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"You saw Summer too, right?"

"Yep," Freddy said, sighing, then we went back to practicing.

After an hour of practicing we went to my place.
"Where are you parents?" he asked, slumping down on the couch.

"I don't work?"

"Let's watch a movie," he says, turning on the tv scrolling through my lists of movies.
"Pick one. I'll pop some popcorn."

After I popped the popcorn, I placed it on the little coffee table in front of Freddy along with some sodas.
"We are gonna kick butt at that competition if you keep skating like that," he said.

"If you keep coming up with awesome moves like that, we'll have it in the bag every time."

We sat in silence watching tv, but my eyes traveled to the big bowl of popcorn.
"I have an idea," I say, breaking the silence.
"What is it?"

"Let's make a popcorn blob," I say.

"What is a popcorn blob?"

"Just follow me and bring the poocorn," I say, getting up and running to the kitchen.

I take out a big bowl and a big bag of marshmallows.
"Throw all the marshmallows in the bowl," I say.
He chuckles," Fine..."

He does what he's told.
"What do I do now, boss?" he asks.
"It must melt... Microwave!" I place the bowl of marshmallows in the microwave.
"Now we wait," I say.

"The floor is lava!" he yells, and I jump on our kitchen counter.
"Not cool, dude!" I yell while he laughs his head off.
The microwave dings, and I order him to take out the bowl.

"It's hot!" he yells.

"That's what you get," I say,"pour it into the bowl op popcorn."

He does that.
Let's mix!" I say and stick my hand in the bowl.
"Come on, help a girl out," he sticks his hand in the bowl, helping me.

Somewhere in the mix, our hands touched. A weird warm sensation ran through my arm. This is Summer's boyfriend. I remind myself. I can't be feeling warm. This is my besties boyfriend.

"I think we are done," he says, and I look up at him. His eyes crashed into mine, and I felt hooked.
"Yeah, yeah, we are done," I say, and I notice our hands are stuck.
"We're stuck!" we start laughing.

We walk to the couch.
"How are we gonna sit?" he said.

"Let's just," we plop down on the couch facing each other.

I start to notice everything Summer swoon about. His eyes, his smile, his lips....

We start leaning in....his forehead is against mine, and I can feel his breath on my face.

"We can't," I say, pulling back.
"You're right. I don't know what came over me," he said.
"Let's just forget about it and eat the ball," I say, taking a big bite out of the blob.

When the blob was finished and we went to wash off the rest of the sweetness.

"I gotta go..."

"Yeah... I'll see you at school," I say, and we do our skater handshake.

I watch him pick up his board and skate away.
I run to my room, and I notice the photo frame sticking from under my bed. I picked it up, and I saw it was a picture of me and boops on our 6-month anniversary. I picked it up and threw it against the wall. I wish I could throw him against the wall. I hate him. Why did I ever date him? Fool.

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