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(The next day)

"OUCH!" I yell out in pain, grabbing my leg rolling on the floor.

"Come on, Tomeeks,  I'm almost done," Summer says,  sitting on the floor," it's your second leg.  I'm almost done."

"I promise Freddy won't look or touch my legs all night!" I hug my leg,  trying to get away from Summer.

"Yes, he will Tomeeks, I know he will so tough it up," Summer grabs my leg again.

"Why couldn't I just shave?" I ask.

"Because I said so!" she places that evil paper on top of the spot she applied the warm wax to then rip it off.

"Oh my AHHHHHHHHH!" I scream, and she just applies the nice smelling oil onto my leg.

"All done," she said, and I hugged both my legs again, rubbing them up and down.

"It's so smooth... totally worth it," I say.
"Go wash your hair," she orders.
"What, why? We have approximately eight hours before the dance."

"I know, that is not nearly enough time!" she says, taking out our dresses and shoes.

"Hey, if you spend all your time torchering me, when are you gonna do all these evil things to yourself? And when are you gonna put crud on your nails?" I say challenging her.

She rolls her eyes.
"I did my nails last night, and I waxed myself the day before," she said with a sly smile, knowing that she won.

"And! Summer, I am not getting married. Why can't I see Freddy? He has my rubber fidget spinner," I say, and she laughs.

"I still can't believe you and Freddy!" she says, exited hugging me.

"I'm still so sorry, Sum..."

"Hey, you have nothing to be sorry about," she says, holding my hand.

"GO WASH YOUR HAIR!" she yells, and I just ran for my life. She scares me sometimes.

When we are finally done (after all the pain and suffering), it is almost time for prom!

I am kinda rocking these freakishly high stilettos, btw. The bell rings.

"It's time!" Summer starts bouncing up and down on her six inch stilettos.
"Stop bouncing!" I walk out of my room and down the hall. Then I finally opened the door.

"Tomika?" Asher says, shocked and speechless.

"Yes, it's me. Come inside. Summer will join us once she is done bouncing," I say, letting him come inside.

"Tomika! Don't ever open the door again," Summer scolds me.

"Wow, Summer,  you look fantastic," Asher says.

"Aww, thank you, Asher," she said and hugged him.

"Gross, that's disgusting," I say.

"Tomika, you know what really is disgusting?" my mother says, revering to the kissing incident yesterday, and I just rolled my eyes," Smile you two," my mother took a picture of Asher and Summer.


I went to open the door again, but Summer and Asher picked me up, preventing me from opening the door.
"Wait!" Elliot and Zack yells, running into the room.

"We are gonna open the door,"  Zack says.

"You two suck," I yell," and so do your two," I say, motioning to Summer and Asher.

"Good evening, gentlemen," Lawrence says, coming inside with Esmae on his arm wearing a beautiful light pink dress and then enters Zack and his girlfriend Jane.

"Hey guys!" I say," put me down!" I yell, and they put me down.

"Tomika!" they say very shocked.

"What! A girl puts on a dress and some makeup now eveyone is shocked," I say, rolling my eyes crossing my arms.

"Tomika, when is your boyfriend getting here so we can grill him and leave," Ethan says.

"Boyfriend!" Everyone says shocked except my mom, brothers, and Summer.

"Oh! I need to take pictures, kids," ny mother starts taking pictures and everyone was so occupied they didn't even notice the doorbell ringing again.

I opened the door," Freddy."
It was Freddy this time. He looks so good in his tux, but the way he's looking at me is making me blish very badly.

"Aaahhh, the boyfriend," my brothers start, but I give them the look, and they huff and walk away.

"You look gorgious," Freddy whispers in my ear, then places the fancy flower on my wrist.

"Thank you," I say, and we walk to our group of shocked friends and take pictures.

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