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It is Friday night, and Zack and I are at his place because Lawrence didn't want us to be at his house because he is doing his pre performance stuff. It's really weird things. Don't ask what it is.

"Dude, are you sure that you don't want to....I don't know. Talk to Tomika?" Zack says, pausing the video game we were playing and turns to me.

"Why are you bringing her up?" I ask.

"Freddy, you are letting me win at this game, your favourite game, remember," he says, and I roll my eyes and run my fingers through my hair.

"Come on, dude, you guys have always been a great team," he says.

"It's just that. Ever since Eden came, she has been extra jealous and weird. She believes that Eden is out to get me, and when Eden said that she found that broken bracelet in Tomika's room, I..." I sigh, not being able to explain.

"What if she really was faking like Tomika said? What if Tomika has been right all along? Freddy, you are a good person, but please do not let that cloud your judgment on people. You and I both know that Tomika does not make up stories for attention," Zack says, and I groan.

"Why do you have to be right every single time. Why couldn't you have been at school on Wednesday? I would've still had a girlfriend," I say.

"So you are gonna talk to her?" he asks.

"No luck. We only see each other at band rehearsals, and you see how that goes. She doesn't even sniff my way," I say.

Zack hands me back the remote control that I dropped on the floor, and I take it.

"Let us kill some Zombies," he says, and we start playing the game again.

Sometimes I am grateful that I have a friend like him, and if you think that Tomika and I will be broken up for long, you are crazy I am getting her back.

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