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The next day at school was strange. Tomika was ignoring us hardcore.

"What did we do?"Zack asked when he sat down next to me at break.
"I don't know," I watch as she laughs at something Kale says. I did nothing!
"Freddy this is all your fault," I say throwing him with a tiny tomato.
"Eden is my friend!" he says.

Suddenly Tomika comes over and sits next to Freddy.
"Hey Tomeeks," I say.
"Hey Sum," she says as if there's nothing wrong. She then takes Freddy's pudding cup and opens it.
"Tomika are you mad at us?" Lawrence asks.
"I thought about things long and hard and nope I'm not mad at you guys," she says and I smile.
"Eden said that you guys were going out tonight," she said and we all freeze again.
"Uhh yeah, you are invited you know," Zack said.
"No don't worry I already told her your can't go," she says taking out a pair of drumsticks which Freddy excitedly takes.
"We can't?" Freddy says looking confused and Tomika freezes and for a split second she looked hurt.
"Do what you want," she takes his sticks and break the tips.
"Tomika!" he yells and she storms of.
"What was that!" Zack says.
"Scary," Lawrence says.

(Time Skip)

After school I run into Kale.
"I can't wait for tonight," she says.
"What is tonight?" I ask.
"Tomika's pre-B party, you guys invited me to Tomika's since I couldn't make your party last month," Kale says and I freeze.
"Kale come on we gotta get ready," Esmae says,"see tou tonight Summer," she says running of along side Kale.

We started doing this thing called a pre-B party last year. That is when we all get together at the persons house before the day of your birthday and we stay up untill midnight, eat ice cream cake and sleep in a random place.

At Freddy's we had to sleep on hammocks that hung from a free, that was fun. At mine we slept infront of the house of the grass. At Tomika's we're gonna sleep in the pool on a pool bed. That's a giant inflatable bed that looks kinda like a giant kiddy pool cause the sides curve up a little so water can't get on us.

I run to the others.
"Tomika's Pre-B!"Zack says.
"I know!"I yell.
"I can't believe we forgot!" Freddy said.
"You guys forgot Tomika's Pre-B!"Mr Finn says shocked.
"That's why she was so mad at us at lunch," I say.
"We gotta make it up to her," Lawrence says.
"I know how, it's my fault anyways, follow me," Freddy says running to the recording studio and we all follow after.

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