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I look down at the dress and brush over the fabric with my hand. I wish I could properly go, with a date and everything. And I know you guys might be thinking I'm stupid and that I can get a date and still go, but the thing is, I actually want to go with my boyfriend, Freddy.

He's going to prom because he probably already won prom king and he wants to go and I don't really want to go because I don't really care since I can't go with my own boyfriend.

Freddy and I have been dating for two months. I have been lying to my best friend for two months now. I start doodling Freddy's name on my hand, then Summer comes out wearing a red dress, and I quickly sit on my hands.
"What are you doing?" she asks.

"I'm praying..." I say, and she rolls her eyes and then twirls around in a circle.

"What do you think?" she asks.

"Uhhh, I liked the other one more," I say.

"Me too," she agrees and goes back inside to change.

I try to rub the ink of my hand, and when it finally got off, I started to pack my book and pen back into my shoulder bag.

"Come on, leggings!" I hear Summer struggle, then I pick up my bag and run out of the shop.


A/N...Sup guys this chapter is one of my short ones I warned you guys about in the first chapter.

The reason why I am updating so often is because I am done with my mid-term exams...(THANK GOD)... And I have more time to update now, and I have no mother telling me that I can't have my phone because exams are done. Did I say that?

I'm wasting your time with this authors note.
PS this is gonna blow your mind. I just found out what OTP(one true pair) ment. I didn't know what OTP ment!!


Whoever is reading this. It is 2023. Please tell me why you are here, we don't have to ask why I am here, lol, but I am curious to know why you are. 🤣🤣

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