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After a long chat with my mother and Mrs Huerta, I ran back to my tree house room mortified. I just had a really awkward chat with my mother and the mother of my boyfriend. And if I had a dollar for every time, I cringed or said, "We were just kissing!" I would be a millionaire.

I heard a knock on my tree house door, and I froze.

"Mother, please no more!" I jumped on my bed and covered my face with a pillow.

"Tomika, it's me don't be silly," I hear Summer's voice, and I sit up.

"Summer?" I say surprised.

She sits on the bed next to me and turns to look at me.

"So after a long time of thinking, I kind of understand why you did what you did," she said, and my heart started beating a little faster.

"I understand that you never wanted to hurt me and that you were scared because Freddy and I just broke up at the time," she says," I forgive you I really do easily forgive people," she says with a smile on her face.

I jump on her and squeel. We start hugging.
"You won't believe the conversation I just had..." I filled her in on what just happened, and before we know it, it was already dark out.
"Oh no, I gotta get home, oh, see you tomorrow, Tomeeks. I will be dressing you for prom!" she says, and she leaves.

I start squealing, and I take out my phone and call Freddy.
"Hey," I hear him say, then I hear the tiolet flush.
"Gross come on, dude," I say, throwing myself back on my bed.
"Hey, you call at 8:30 pm. What is it?" he says.

"You are taking me to prom," I say, then I hear him laugh at the other end of the line.

"Oh yeah? Is that really your way of asking me?" he says teasingly.

"Take it or leave it," I say.

"I'll take it, and I will send you a picture of my tux ," he says.

"You won't believe what your mother and my mother did to me," I say, telling him what they said.

"Oh, MY God, they didn't! No, now I'm gonna get a "talk," he says, and I laugh.
"Did you say something to Summer?" I ask.

"Yeah, why? Did she send you a mean text?" he asked.

"Nope, nothing, look, I gotta go bye," I say.
"Bye," he says.

"Elliot, Zack, I know you're there," I call out to my elder brothers, and they come inside.

"I hear you have a new boyfriend..." Zack says.

No! Not again!!

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