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(Time jump to graduation day)

I finished making my speech because I am the schools valedictorian. I look at everyone sitting on the chairs looking at me with smiles. We've come a very long way, and it's been good and bad. You would obviously know you've been with us on our journey.

"Summer, you were great!" Tomika hugs me tight. Her and Freddy are still like the power couple. Believe me or not, but he asked her to marry him and like that Tomika was engaged before me.

"I can't believe we are done with school for like ever," Zack says, then we all look at Mr. Finn.

"We would've never been the people we are if it weren't for you, Mr. Finn," Zack says.

"I'm so proud of you guys," he says, and I start to feel emotional.

Mr. Finn decided that he wasn't going to go along on tour with us. I became the new guitar player/manager.

"Guys, we gotta get going. We have a show in Manchester in two days we need to get going," Lawrence says, then we all group hug Mr. Finn. Things won't be the same without him, but it was a choice he made for himself, and we respect it. It's not like we won't keep in touch.

"Come on guys, let's go," we greet our parents and run out of the building. Not because we were eager to leave, but because Tomika's father and brothers wanted to murder Freddy with their bare hands, so we couldn't stay for long. You should've seen their faces when Freddy got on his knees and asked her to marry him.

"Our dream came true, Tomeeks," I say, putting my giant suitcase in her car.
"It did, didn't it," she says, and we got in the car and drove to the airport.

(5 years later)

I walk into Tomika's hotel room. We just released our fourth album, and we are currently on tour again.

"Hey Tomeeks," I say when I see her lying upside down on her bed.

"Aaahhhh," she moans.

"Well, I will take that as a hey," I say, sitting next to her. Her Freddy actually got married only this year because she didn't want to get married so young.

"Where is Freddy?" I ask.

"He's with Zack," she says, throwing her face into a pillow.

"Lawrence is using my laptop to Skype Esmae, so I can't send love letters to Asher," I say with sigh.

"Yeah, awesome," she says, then she sits up.

"What is wrong with you?" I ask.

"I don't feel so good," she says," and I want to go to sleep," she says, holding her tummy.

"Oh my gosh, are you pregnant!" I say then she looks at me shocked.

"No! For your information, I am on my period," she says.

"Come on, get under the covers. Freddy can sleep over at Zack's," I say, getting under the covers with her, and then we both fall asleep. It felt like one of our sleepovers when we were younger.


I walk up on stage the next night.
"What's up, Madison Square Garden!" I say through the microphone, and the giant crowd cheers.

"Are you ready to ROCK!!!!"


(A/N) So this is the end. Wow I can not believe it!! Thank you so so much for reading this book and for liking it and I'm sorry for the long as hell break it wasn't intentional things just got so crazy with school and extra classes and shit like that so this is it. I might post some bonus chapter so look out for that and have an awesome day!!


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