You meet him

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Pacs point of view

It was just a normal morning at the dorm. "Hay spiral, do you want to have a race to the lunchroom." "Sure dude ready set GO."
As soon as spiral said go I sprinted to the cafeteria. I waited for spiral which he wasn't far behind. "I win yay." "Haha you always win dude so no surprise."
6 minutes later
"Hay PAC spiral I want you to meet someone but we have to hurry she will probably be waiting at the station." Cilly explained me and spiral was confused but ran after cilly. When we got to the station cilly looked at a picture and looked up to see if she could find the mysterious person. We found her and ran up to her.
'Wow she is so pretty' I thought wait what did I say, I got interrupted by cilly. "Hay are you (y/n) (l/n) just asking." "Hello to you yes I am I
am guessing you are cilly." "Yes I am. These are my two best friends spiral and pacman." " awesome I didn't know you were friends with pacman." She looked at me and her eyes were like diamonds "I have an idea why don't we introduce her to the president and sir c "
" spiral that is a great idea" I said

I was walking to school when PAC pointed out a flyer by Miss globular " it says a new student from pacan (japan ) and it's a girl she will also be in our class." PAC seemed excited so where me and cilly.
We ran to class so we was early to try and meet the new girl. Surprisingly we were not the first people there, Sherri was there, Skebo was even there and all our other classmates. Miss globular let us in but there was someone behind her they seemed shy really shy. "Students I would
like to introduce a new student to not only the school about to pacopilis come on. Please don't be shy." As soon as miss globular finished a girl my hight stepped out from Miss globular she looked cute.  "Hi my name is (y/n) (l/n) and I used to live in pacan (japan) and I like drawing, and I try to make new friends." (I love the way I say Try)
After class I was about to leave when I heard Miss globular call my name "yes miss" " can you help (y/n) please." "😧 Yes miss."

I was sitting in my throne room then I got a weird vibe, so what do I do check the slug cams I keep surching until I saw inky pinky blinky and Clyde talking to someone I didn't know and I knew everyone in the netherworld she or he must of just passed away. So I get my anounsment microphone and yell down it "INKY BLINKY PINKY CLYDE COME TO MY THRONE ROOM AT ONCE AND BRING THE NEW GHOST WITH YOU" I watched them sigh and bring the new ghost to my throne room.

About 5 minutes later there was a knock at the door and butler answered it and the 5 of them came in and I heard inky say "what's the Matter lord b." "The matter is who is that ghost."they all went in front of me and she looked very pretty every more prettier then spiria
"Hello lord butrayus." "Just call me butrayus." I said she slightly blushed then the door bursted open to some ghost saying, "I found another way to get rid of pacman." He stoped and looked at the girl ghost saying "(y/n)?" "Yes that is my name who are you." "It's me buttox one of your triplet brothers." Then butter later looked at her and the twins went and hugged her " butler buttox I have
Missed you two so much." "You guys never said you had a triplet." Blinky said. "We thought we should keep it a secret." Butler smiled "let's go get you a room sis." Buttocks said.

I was doing my lousy job as usual and I found out butrayus is hiering a new ghost to help my pathetic brother. I suddenly heard a knock on the door that must be the new goul I went up to the door and opened it to see a ghost my size looking down I said "hello are you all right?." She looked up and said "h hi I am here to work with dr buttox." Before I could answer butrayus pushed the girl into the lab of my brother.

I had just finished eating my chilli slug dog and flew back to lord b and helped him set up for a party to celebrate my brothers birthday he did deserve a brake. But I didn't know butrayus had paid the top security hard in the whole of netherworld to protect the party. The person arrived and surprisingly it was a girl she was pretty but I didn't know what type of monster she was she just looked like a normal pacworlder "may I ask what type of ghoul are you." Butrayus asked. " I am a cannibal I am a traitor to man kind."
After she stayed so she can get rest for tomorrow's training.

Sir cunfrance
I was doing my normal thing making a new invention I was halfway through and I decided to stop for lunch, I was just about to eat my lunch when I heard a knock "sir cunfrance are you there." Wow mr president is down here what is he doing Down here. "Come in mr president."  Then the door opened and I saw the president and a lady my age she seemed familiar. "Sir cunfrance this is the second top scientist in pacworld so I hired her to work with you since your the top scientist I thought you two can make something great together." "Mr president where will she sleep and eat." "At the White
House with me." She kept quiet I said "lets talk."


It was another day in the netherworld and me and the others were at the ghost station waiting for inky twin sister this was going to be new to be honest I am w
quite nervous about it 😕. But I will be fine with It. This is the plan step one when she comes become friends with her secondly we will go to inky's house to drop her bags off thirdly we will go and eat lastly she will have to meet lord betrays . It's a good plan to me and the others . I got pushed out of my thoughts to the train 🚂 coming. 

It took ten minutes to find her and she was pretty🙃. "Hay there's my favourite sister." Inky said and hugged her "these are my friends Clyde pinky and blinky." " cool names" she said I blushed. "So what's your name?" Clyde asks "(y/n)" that name sent shivers up my back as she said it it was such a pretty name.
Later on we had just finished seeing lord betrays
"Hay (y/n) we should hang out more." " that sounds fine to me Blinky I can't wait to get to know you better" she smiled any I walked off and I fist pumped the air like a weird person or ghost.

The speaker was extra loud it hurt my ears "common lets see what the royal pain in the back side wants." Blinky said "do we have to." I groaned. "Yeah inky you know what will happen if we don't." So we went to the castle to see what lord b wanted. We all floated in to see butler talking to someone I didn't take much notice until lord b started talking "since no one has caught the PAC pain or the repository or the tree of life I have hired the newest goul to grab all three of them welcome (y/n)." She was so cute but creepy it was like she was a vampire spider she looked so cool I will see if I can talk to her later. I heard Clyde gasp and slowly float away so after lord b sent us away me blinky and pinky went to find him.

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