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Hi guys just to say this might end up being a short chapter and I am very sorry that I haven't been updating as much as I should be but I have been busy. And thank you guys for the reads so ready for this chapter ready set go

Love you all


Today I decided to try something that I haven't done before and that was flirting. I had one idea so I ran to sir c's and asked (y/n) if she wanted to go out for a while to eat or do something. And she was sure up to going so she got ready and  we went off. After a while of walking I decided to try and flirt ready set go. "(Y/n) has anyone told you how beautiful your smile is because it reminds me of the twinkling reflection in the water." I looked at her and noticed she was blushing like mad and I started to also blush. It fell silent for a few minutes. Then she spoke up  "did you plan that." I looked at her and said "no not really." We both laugh then she kissed my cheek and hugged me. "Your funny when you try and flirt." I blush and all day I think of different ways to make her laugh.


It was lunchtime at school and I decided to just sit with (y/n) and try and get to know each other more and see what we have in common. As I grabbed my lunch (y/n) waves for me to come over to her table. I sit down and start to eat my food, "so (y/n) I never got to ask you what are your interests." "Well I like cooking, drawing, learning many skills -
Me too." I realised I cut her off. "Sorry." "No problem wanna go to the sports hall to practice pac pong." "Sure."


I was sitting in my throne room and I was board out of my mind. Suddenly, the door opened and I looked but to find no one there. I look around but can't find anyone I look back at the front "BOOO." "AHHHHH." It was (y/n) she was laughing her head off. "Hay b." "Hay (n/n) (nick name)." We both smiled and that's when I realised her hair was two different colours half (y/f/c) and half (y/s/f/c) her laughter turned into giggles. "Your hair is awesome." "Thank you." I saw her smirk 😏 " what's wrong." "You flirt."


Floating into see (y/n) I wanted to give her something special and I wanted to make sure she would remember this present in a way that I am not use to.

I went in to find that she was asleep on the desk while trying to make something. So I went over to her and woke her up. "Oh hello butler." "Hello buttercup." She blushes at the nickname I gave her it was adorable. "You know if you were a lost gem I would risk everything to find you." She thought for a minute and said "awww you know your cute." I smiled and and gave her a teddy (f/a).


I walked with (y/n) to oggals and I was trying to think of ways to impress or as people say flirt with her so we decided we wanted to go and grab something to eat so she can get prepared for whenever lord but face called for her to go on a mission. "Hay (y/n) did you know if you were a car I would make sure I would go head over wheels for you." She soon bursted out with laughter from what I said and I started to laugh. We got something to eat and then there was an announcement saying I could have the next few weeks of.

Sir c

We were having a picnic at the beach since we were having a break from inventing. I want to give (y/n) this (f/a) plushie but I wanted to do a pick up line I found online (it's not actually) "(y/n)" "yeah." "If you were a flower I would pick you up and make everyone else jealous that your the one for me." She looked at me and she kissed my cheek.
"Your too cute."

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