Baking his faveourite goods

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You were in the school kitchen with pac looking through different recipes trying to decide what to bake until you thought about your chocolate cookies you always use to bake.

"Hay pac what about chocolate chip cookies." He looked at me and smiled saying "yeah that's great let's get started."
After grabbing all the ingredients we needed we started to bake. As we were getting the food ready I was telling pac how much to put in the bowl now was the waiting since we put them in the oven.
You both spent a whole day cooking and baking all different treats.


There was a school fate and their was gonna be a food stand with cakes cookies and more. Well you and spiral was put in charge of baking everything and selling. So you both were currently baking the day before making sure you had enough to make loads and loads of goodies.
You baked

10 different types of cookies about 6 batches each

5 different cakes like vanilla and chocolate

7 different types of cupcakes
Lots of Pastry's and many more

The reason you baked so much is because there were so many people usually showing up also a show was being put on that every one was gonna watch so people were gonna buy stuff for then. You also got given a popcorn machine with 4 massive and I mean massive bags of corn to pop
And hundreds of drinks to sell as well
You made a special batch of cookies just for spiral to have.

You were in the kitchen and decided to bake a cake for betrayus.
It was a quadruple chocolate cake with ruby chocolate icing down it for decoration

You decided to make brownies for butler. so you were in the lab (I'll explain) you had a big tray to do the brownies and started to put a few chemicals in the tray and soon they turned into a brownies (this is a reference to rick and Morty with doofus rick and Jerry)
He came in and you cut it and gave him a slice to try and he loves it you gave him the rest to have later

Sir c

You made cupcakes together

You made a ghost cake with chocolate chips

You made chocolate chip animal cookies

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