First date sir cumfrance

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Sorry the last chapter was so short I was doing it on my phone and I am running out of ideas and on this one this might be short but i am going to be doing something different than a normal date people usually have. i hope you like this chapter.😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😂😊😂 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

you was packing your bag for the trip ahead for your first date with cc, you tried to pack of what you think you needed for your mysterious trip. I was just finishing my packing when a knock on the door which made you jump. Walking over to your room door you opened it to see the president smiling. "Hi sir are you ok?" ".Yes I am ok I heard you and sir cumfrance are going on a date." "Yeah we are but he won't tell me where." He smiled. "Well let me do you a favour by doing your hair." You look at him questionable like you were miss hearing on what he said. "(Y/n) are you ok." "Sorry sir I thought you said you would do my hair." "I did." "Ok I am not going to even ask why but I owe you a favour."

It took about 20 minuets till he finished your hair and it was a side fish braid. "Thank you sperous it looks beautiful." "Thank you (y/n)." As soon as he said that sir c knocked at the door.
"Hi sir c. I will let you two get ready to leave." Said the president.

As sir c walked over to me I stood up and hugged him. "Ready for our date trip." "Yes I am." You say grabbing your backpack 🎒.

30 minuets later

You were on a mountain ⛰ with snow and there was a little lodge (sorry I have played until dawn so lol.) and you guys walked in to find a table set up with many foods and drinks. "Wow this looks so nice." You say putting your bag down. "Well I am glad because this is where we will be staying for the next couple nights." You jumped for joy and sat down and started eating the many different foods on the table. "Thank you so much cc." "No problem."

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