You get Jealous pac

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You were walking to the round house with cyli and spiral because they said pac Wanted you to meet someone that had come to town. You three decided to race the last half a mile knowing it would be a fair race from you all having great stamina.

"ready!"                                                                                                                                                                                      "set!"                                                                                                                                                                                             "go" you all started to run to the entrance you being the fastest you get there first but stop to wait for cily and spiral. As you were waiting since they were far back since they took a different room you heard your voice being called

"(Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) earth to (y/-n)."  You snap out of your trance to see your short boyfriend. You smile and was about to speak until a voice piped up in the distance "pac come in quick it looks like its about to rain." He looked up grabbing my hand running to the round house.

Not knowing who the feminine voice was you was curious. The doors closed behind you suddenly, you turned to see who it was to see a girl our age smiling at me while I had a blank expression body straight while my head was to the side (you were side on to her).

"Hi I'm Ellie you must be (y/n)." I was shocked why does she know my name it was shocking.

PAC  nudged me and I said "hi yeah I am (y/n) how did you know my name." She giggles I tense as my paranoia kicks in and I get agitated.

"PAC mentioned you." I went to say something but nothing came out I was angry paranoid and maybe even jealous since she is why I couldn't see him recently.

"Are you ok." PAC asked "yeah."

Later at the dorm

"Thanks for letting me stay."
He smiled and looked like he wanted to say something.

"So what did you think of Ellie."
My voice hitched and I said "she's cool why."

"I can tell your jealous."

"What I am no............ not your right I was jealous because you been spending more time with her recently."

"Because she was so nervous to meet you so I told her about you and she was at ease when she met you and thought you were a really nice person. I love you and only you."

"I feel like a fool now"
He came over and kissed you then you both went to bed.

The end

Sorry it's so short I just didn't have any other ideas or inspiration other than this so sorry

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