When you get your period

452 1 18


You were in the dining room eating dinner with the president, dad, pac and mr prez's mum. You were in the middle of a conversation and all of a sudden you started to get cramps and you almost slammed your headboard the table because of the pain. They all look at you because you had stopped in the middle of tour sentence. "Excuse me but I need to go"

As you got up you rush to the bathroom in your room locking the bathroom door behind you. As you sat on the toilet you realised you were right. It was the wrong time of the month. Suddenly sharp pains hit your stomach you winced and groaned in pain and shock.

There was a knock at the door, "(y/n) are you ok." Pac asked you manage to reply "N no. Pac can you get mrs sperous please." "I can help." Pac said "Paac just please get her." You heard footsteps run off.

About 10 minutes went by and there was a knock at the door. "Sweetie it's me." A feminine voice said you carefully but quickly unlocked the door and rushed back to the toilet and said "it's unlocked." The door opened and closed. You felt a hand on your back looking up mrs sperous smiles at you saying. "Wrong time of the month." You nodded.

"Well I've sent pac out with a list of things to get. What I want you to do it take these tables they will help with the pain. Take a shower I will lay some clothes on your bed and you lay in bed and watch your tv. Give me a buzz when your in bed ok."
You smiled side hugging her the best you could saying "thanks mrs s."
"Call me Rotunda." "Ok"

After you had your shower you got changed and got into bed you realised there was a couple towels layed out on the bed to stop the blood staining of a night. You heard a knock on your bedroom door. It opened up to see pac and Rotunda walking in with your dad walking in. You saw the concern on pacs face. You chuckled "you do realise it fine pac."
"Well yeah .. but.... I" you chuckled again. Sir c said "I will be back to check on you tomorrow and to give you something to do."

"Thanks dad. And Rotunda I can't thank you enough." "It's no problem sweetie pac has my number on his phone I said to put it In your contacts just In case you need anything." You gave her a hug. She soon walked out the room.

Pac looked at me as he held  a massive bag of items. "I don't know where some of this goes." You laugh as you take the bag and put away the pads/tampons. You got back into bed noticing pac put on a film with tons of snacks on the bed.

"I love you so much" you say he just smiles as you got comfortable.


"Yeah (y/n)." Spiral said as he walked to the bathroom

"I need you to grab me a few bits."
"Ok what do you need?!!" "Pass me your phone and I will type them down."

"Ooook." He passed you the phone through a little gap. And gave him your card you called out "grab something for yourself as well." He smiles and saying thanks as he rushed out the door.

You took a shower whilst waiting for spiral, also getting changed and sat on your bed on your phone. After watching some videos spiral came into your dorm room with two bags.

"How much did you spend."
"£20-26/$20/€20/¥20." "Ok what did you spend it on"
"Pads/tampons, heat-pads, painkillers, drinks, snacks and a couple other things."

He came over to your bed and he made sure you were ok every day until you were off your monthly.

I'm only doing these two cause the others are dead or too old lol sorry for the wait.

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