First kiss part 2

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Butrayus wasn't high in romance but he knew a few tricks.

It was a normal day in the throne room you and butrayus had just finished eating lunch. Just as you finished butrayus looked at you and said "(y/n) you got something on your mouth." You looked at him. You didn't realise you had something there "Thank you butrayus I'll get a tis~." Before you could finish your sentence he smashed his lips to yours. They were smoother than expected. You felt his tongue lick your lips. He pulled away and for a moment he blushed.


You two decided to make a (f/f/c) (favourite flavour of cake) and you were both prepping a few different colours of icing for the different layers and so you can make patterns.

After getting the cake out of the oven you both did different layers with different colours and patterns on top and down the side. You didn't realise butler was watch you concentrate of designing the top layer of cake as you were trying to make a small volcano on top and make very detailed effects. He never knew you could be so good at cooking since he always knew you only doing science.

When you finished you put the cakes together and it looked so awesome:

You notice he has frosting on his lips so you pull him in a passionately kissed him he kissed back you both pull away then look at the cake one last time and smiled one last time.


You were out on a dangerous mission and you haven't come back in 2 months and I was really worried for since I didn't know where she was and if she was ok. I kept my head up high and wished for to be ok. The minutes went by like hours. I had tried to pass the time by doing different things. But you still weren't back.


I heard the throne doors open I kept my eyes on the tv thinking it was my good for both brother, until i got turned around by someone and there lips were of mine. Breaking the kiss I look to see it was (y/n) I was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy that I took her to my lab fixed her wounds she reported to butrayus then we went to do our own thing

Sir c

This might be a short one
It was a beautiful day in pac world  but it's bot as if you and cc were out in for You were both in the lab trying to fix the hover boards for cilly and spiral. As you two were fixing the first one cc asked "hay (y/n) could you do me a massive favour and gram (r/t) (random tool.)." You looked at him and said "sure."

When you got it you walked back. As soon as you got near him you tripped up over something and landed on top of cc kissing him. When you pull apart cc chuckles "if you wanted to kiss you should have said." You blush and get up

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