Valenpac day part

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So sorry it's so late


You were so happy it was valenpac day because it was your first time having an valenpac. So You had just finished getting ready when the door bell rung. You floated to the door as fast as you could and opend the door to find butler there with something behind his back. "Hay butler you ready to go." He snapped out of his trance and gave my some (f/c) (f/f) (favourite colour, then its favourite flower 💐👍) you blushed and put them in a vace before leaving. You had no idea where you were going but just follow butler to the place. (😂🤣😂Imagine he didn't know where he was taking you)

We got to somewhere that was no one ever goes to. And found a blanket with lots of your (f/f) and (f/d). You hugged him and 'ran' over to start eating. You loved that day so much and you knew you loved butler more. After that you went back to your house and you gave him his present and you had a great night with him.


You never believed in valenpac day because whats the point you should love your other half every day the same. So you and buttocks just got stacks of food and drinks for between you while you just sit and watch movies all day and night. You were just happy to just relax than having to fight, climb and more.

Sir cumfrance

Cc wouldn't tell you where you I
Too were going and it was annoying you. You stoped at a restaurant that you had never heard of. You went inside and you were taken up to a separate room that had a massive view of the city. "Cc how can we pay for this stuff you say as you look at the prices of the food on the menu. "They let me eat for free." You look in amazement, then look out to the city. "Such an awesome view." "I agree."
After that you two walk back to the lab and stay there for the night.


It was valenpac day and you and blinky were heading to the pub to get a meal and have some drinks. It was just a chilled one since you two weren't all big on valenpac day. Don't get you both wrong you celebrate it but both as much as others do.

You two were cracking up jokes about the different gouls there. "blinky why didn't the skeleton go to the prom." "Because he had no body to go with." "Nah mate because he's fat, ugly and no one likes him." You both burst out laughing attracting a bit off attention from your laughter. It was the best night ever for the both of you.


"Bye dad I will be back later." You call "ok but be back by your curfew." "DAD" "I'm being serious (y/n) you know what will happen." "I know I know." He comes up and hugs you. "I just don't want to loose you." "I know I love you dad." "Love you too have fun." "I will." You say letting go and leaving.

You run to the address that inky asked you to go to. You stoped at the place looking up to see it was a carnival a smile creeps onto your face 'typical inky' you whisper. You look round trying to find him. You felt a tap on your shoulder to see your boyfriend. "Hay sorry I'm late pinky kept complaining to me about stuff." You laugh. " it's fine I just got here myself"

You both went in grabbing a bite to eat until you saw a (f/a) teddy. "Hang on a minute." Inky says as he plays the carnival game and wins the teddy first try. You do the same for him. The day was coming soon and you needed to get back "this was fun inky but I need to run day is coming and dads probably freak out." You kiss his cheek and run off.

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