When you get sick part 1

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You were peacefully sleeping.....



You turn over to your dads alarm and press off so it wouldn't bother me again. As you got up you felt freezing and light headed so you got back into bed.

Soon enough dad came over to see if you were up and saw you laying in bed. As he rushed over he felt my head and if was freezing.


"Shhh hun go back to sleep."


As he walks away he rings pac

P: hay sir c what's up

C: could you do me a favour maboy.

P: sure anything

C: could you pick up some medicine for (y/n) she's ill.

P: ok I will be right over.

C: thanks lad

Phone call ends

(Time skip brought to you by potatoes)

PACs point of view

After getting off the phone from sir c I rushed and got the medicine and went to the shop next door and got drinks food and a (f/a) (favourite animal) teddy using my hover board and soon made my way to the lab.

Running in there the door opens and I saw sir c sitting next to (y/n) holding her hand.
Slowly I walk over to her saying hello to sir c and then give her the medicine, teddy and I love a drink next to her and give the rest of the food to grinder to put away.

He stayed with you till you got better


It wasn't the best time to be ill since you and spiral was gonna go on a date that night. They say a summer cold is known to be worse than a winter cold. You were sitting there in class with a bad headache, stuffy nose and a saw throat. You tried to concentrate but your headache was really bad and you had accidentally fell asleep.

Soon enough you heard laughter which you assumed was skebo and yelling to what sounded like my boyfriend. I felt a warmth hit my side and carrying me somewhere. Slowly I open my eyes I see spiral carrying me. You try to speak but it came out as a whisper, "s spiral." He looked Down at you and smiled at me.

"Why did you come into school whilst being ill." "I'm not that badly ill." He looked at me with concern "you don't remember." "No what happened." Just as you fell asleep you puked over your desk and cried as you were sleeping so miss globular got me dome to carry you to medical and went to help clean up the mess." You looked at yourself and you were clean and your hair felt warm 'they must of washed you in the shower in medical,' you sigh and started crying again you hated being ill. Spiral kept you close and tried to calm you down.

Soon enough you were in your dorm in bed and spiral gave you some medicine and he never left your side until you were better

Spiral buys you food dvds and a teddy witch says I love you

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