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You was looking for pac but went home after an hour and a half
You notice your dad working on something he looked at you and said "pac just left but he left something on your bed in your room." "Ok thanks dad."

You went in your room and saw a box on your bed it was a medium size. You open the box and you are filling with joy since you find a gecko. You were so excited you went to the pet store and goth every thing you needed.
When pac came over later and you were so thankful


You walked into your room noticing a box on your bed it said

'To (y/n)
Please open'
From spiral

You open the box to find the most adorable turtle with a note

This turtle is 100 years old and needs a new home. His name is (r/n) (random name)

You were so thankful


One day you both went to see fluffy to find puppies and you were both shocked since you didn't know she was pregnant.
The bad news is they were part dragon.


He got you a puppy cocka-spaniel
Which was adorable and took a liking to you straight away


He got you a German Shepard which you were so happy about and you started to train him to help you at any time.

Sir c
He got you a pet dog to help around the lab to trap thing and to help pac on missions


He got you a pet snake it was a ball python  it was so pretty and not poisonous at all but you didn't want to piss it off either way it loved you and you hugged blindly for the rest of the day.


He got you a pet snake (your choice)

pacmam and the ghostly adventures boyfriend senareosWhere stories live. Discover now