He gets ill part 1

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I am doing the best I can but i am running out of ideas for each person but I will do my best to make this the best story ever and if you know anyone that would like this please tell them about this story please.

PAC man





"Thank god you picked up (y/n)."


"Yeah it's me"

"What is Skebo scared of the most."


"Why doesn't pac like Christmas?"

"Because his parents are never here to celebrate it with him."

"Ok your spiral. So what's wrong"

"*pac groans in background* pac doesn't feel so good."

"Ok I will be over soon."

"Ok hurry *hangs up*"

5-10 minuets later

You arrive at pac's dorm. With everything that you could fit in your backpack and first aid bag. You run past everyone to go to pacs room and you take care of him the few days giving him soup blankets and hugs. Until one day he was full of power and all better.


You were in math class doing a test so the teachers new your grades and how much work you need to do and how hard it needs to be. You was here before anyone else so you can finish it before end of class.

You were in deep thought until you heard someone sneeze and cough, you turn round to see spiral wiping his nose. One thing you noticed strait away is that he looked pale and not his more upbeat colour. Yo turn around to do the test with only 5 minuets left to do it.

After class

You waited For spiral to come out of class to talk to him to see if he was ok. When he came out you gave him a big hug. "Are you ok cause you look really pale and you were coughing and sneezing all throughout lesson." He started to cry. You hugged him again as his sobed "I feel so ill and I feal like I am gonna pass out I just wanna
sleep." You pulled him closer never hearing him cry before. So I  took him to medical and I put him on a chair giving him a hug before going. As you stated to walk away he grabbed my wrist wanting me to stay with him. So the nurse asked you to take him back to the dorm and look after him until he was better.


Floating into the throne room to wake up butrayus ready to try spy on pac man I don't know why he has such a grudge on him for Hs's only a teenager. Anyway you were at the throne room when you heard crying and sniffing so you went in to find what was making the sound, But as you got over to the throne you saw butrayus slightly crying while hugging his teddy. You gently shake him "Butrayus time to wake up." He opened his eyes to see me and pulled me in for a hug. "What's wrong b." He just put his head on your chest all of a sudden, "achoo." You looked at him and realised he was ill. "Aww are you sick." He slowly nodded so I asked "I bet you'll be wanting me to be your nurse and leader till you get better then." "Yes please."
So for the next week you took care of him till he was better and you every now and then asked your brothers to fetch things to give to butrayus.


Butler was good at hiding things like when he is ill but there are a few things that give it away. "Butler are you ok." He looked at me and held a week smile. "Yes why do you ask." "Your eyes are watering and you keep sneezing." He looks at me and hugs me "I don't feel myself I am so tired and ill." "Follow me" you said as you took him in the lab to give him medicine that you got from madam golasha and it healed him within a couple of days so you done his chores for him while he was resting to get better from being ill.

Part two is coming soon

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