Hey You

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I wake up to the beaming light, forcing its way through the crack in the curtains. I put my hands up stopping the light from hitting my face. I am not in the mood to be up already.

I slowly push my head off my pillow. I feel like I'm going to puke but I don't, just gag. I sit on the back of my heels and put my hands on my knee.

The bandages wrapped around my wrists are a sign to me that I even failed at suicide. That's when my moms car conversation popped back into my head.

"Ugh! Why am I such a failure to her," I put my hands on the top of my head and look down at my knees. "She's so pretty and everyone loves her. And me. Well I'm just her misfit daughter."

I just lay staring at the ceiling wondering what would it be like to be normal. Not suffering with depression, anxiety or cutting.

Why was I born like this, maybe it could be because of my worthless father walking out but I doubt it.

"Iris," the door opens a crack and my mothers head pops through, "You hungry, Hun?"

"No, I'm fine." I turn away from her and get back under my sheets. I didn't want to see her after knowing what she thinks of me.

"Look, Hun. I'm sorry about that other day it-it's just, well seeing you and the..."

"Seeing the weird abnormal things I do, yeah mom. Wish I could be normal too, sorry." I cut her off finishing her sentence for her.

"That's not what I was going to say."

"Well I just want to be alone. Can I have that?"

"You know I can't leave you alone, not anymore." She opens the door more letting in the burning light. She walks in my room and sits on the corner of my bed. "I know you're seventeen, but I got someone to watch you while I'm at work."

I rose up and gave my mom a confusing looking. What did she mean she got someone to watch me? A babysitter? I don't need a babysitter!

"Mom! I don't need a babysitter, I'm not a little girl!" I shout at her.

"I know but I can't trust you! I'm sorry but having you almost kill yourself the other day showed me I need to be more vigilant. Even if I'm not here, Iris!"

I stayed quiet, she had a point not to trust me alone but still! I hate this, I don't want some old person stalking every move I do because I almost died. Not like I really wanted to end it, I just cut to deep... One to many.

"Don't worry, Iris. It's not an old person, and they don't know about your accident." She says calmly.

"Then who is watching me a cop?" I questioned getting up pulling my shirt down, trying not to let it show my underwear.

"You should really sleep with more clothes on," My mom jokes as she hears the door bell ring, " Oh, that must be him. Come meet him."

Wait him? Who did she get to watch over me? Curiosity hit me so I jumped off my bed and walked behind my mom towards the door.

The light in the living room blinded me for a moment and I almost lost my balance. It was really cold outside my room.

"Hello! So glad you could do this for me." My mom greets the stranger at the door. I can't see him because my vision is still a little fuzzing from the light outside. My vision finally come back to me and I managed to see the young man at the door. I finally got a good look at him and My.Lord.He.Is.Cute!

I see his thick black hair covering his forehead, gorgeous bright brown eyes, and adorable perfect smile.

I should says something. He's young, is he my age? I suddenly realized I've been staring at him for a long time. My face turns red and I slowly walk besides my mom and take my hand out to shake his. Ugh! I'm such a dork.

"Iris, this is Bryce. Remember that moving van up the hill? That's where he lives he just finished moving in". My mom says as Bryce takes my hand and shakes it. His hands were so warm, they melted my ice hands.

"Hey, you." Really? Is that all I could say "Hey, you?" I'm such a loser and he's probably going to think that about me.

"Hey," His smiles shakes my heart and I stay looking at his handsome face. "I like your outfit, I like wearing over sizes shirts as well."

As he said that I just realized I'm not wearing anything but my underwear and bra under my shirt.

My face glows red with embarrassment. My God! I have to change. I look up at my mom and she realized it too and nudges her head towards my room. I quickly smile at Bryce as I awkwardly sprint towards my room to change. Gosh! Why did I have to embarrass myself like that. What a great first impression, and "Hey, you." What was I thinking.

I choose the nicest clothes, but then I think maybe he might think I'm trying to hard to impress him! This would be so much easier if I was pretty.

I quickly just throw on the cleanest clothes and brush my bed head away. I peek out the crack of my door and see my mom walking out the door as he walks in and waits there for me to show up. Wow! I'm alone with a really cute guy! Ugh I hate but love this at the same time. I'm more surprised my mom would leave me alone with a cute guy, no other parent would do that.

Bryce. The name of the cutest guy I've ever seen. Now only if I can build up the courage to leave my room and talk to him.I whisper to myself as I look at him from the crack of my door. Wow, I feel like a stalker.

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