She's Mine To Protect : Bryce M. Ramos

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Who's that?

No, this jerk needs to leave right away! Aaron that good for nothing jerk. I start walking towards him, I dont know what he's going towards but he had his eyes locked on something.

"Aaron!" I shout through the crowd.

He turns and we stand in our spots not breaking eye contact. He lets out a smirk.

"Pretty! How's it going wimp!" He says out loud walking slowly at me. Hands in his pockets looking confident some particular reason.

"What you doing here?" I once he's about a foot away from me.

"Oh I'm here to see you my good old friend."

"Cut the crap."

"Woah, you grew a pair I see. Anyways I am here to see you."

"What for?"

"Iris." He gives me a serious blank look. What does he want with her.

"What do want with her."

"I'm getting her back."

"Well to bad she doesn't want you back, she's with me."

"Last time I checked she kissed me and was with me, not you."

His smile is getting only bad side. That arrogant smile. He gets close to my face and I can feel the tension growing.

"And you don't wanna know little Bryce the stuff and Iris have done, if you get what mean."

"Shut up." I say in a low tone.

"Oh how good she felt."

"You better stay quiet." He's getting to me.

"How tight she held on to me when I went down..."

That's it I had enough, I ball my hand in a fist and hit him with all my strength in the gut.

I knock his air out and he falls to the grown. I quickly get on top and wale on his face. I see crowds of people gather around us. As I see everyone state at us, Aaron punches me in the groin and pushes me off him.

He gets up and began to run. I ran after him, I'm not letting him out this easy.

I catch up the him far from the school in some empty alley.

"So this is it boy. You, me and the last stand. Who Iris wants."

"I'll make you pay for what you said!"

"Bring it punk!"

I run at him with my fist in the air. I miss and only make contact with the air. He ducks and elbows my chest then coming with his left fist and punching me square in the face. I taste the blood on my lip. He smiles and I know it serious this time.

We both go at it, jab after jab. Knuckles make contact with my face and my fist makes contact with his. Blows back and forth. Both of us bloody with cuts and bruises.

"You're not that bad for a punk as kid." Aaron say exhausted.

"Back at you drop out." I reply, feeling the warm pain on my knuckles.

I catch his fist coming up for one lady hit, I quickly dodge it and reply with a hit on his jaw. That was it, his head tills far back and he fall backwards making contact with the pavement like a brick.

"She's mine." I spit the blood in my mouth out and walk away.

I go all the way back to the school parking lot to get on my car. I can't go home, Helena would ask what happen and my mom would freak. I can't go to Iris's either, she's not home.

"Erika!" I shout sitting in the car. She can help me and she's most likely home.

I drive to her house and park far from her big house. Man, she sure has a nice place. I walk over to the front door and ring the door bell, but no one answered. I guess I'll have to wait for her. I just take a seat in a bench she has on her porch, and wait. As I wait I began to think of what Aaron said... did Iris and him really... No, no they couldn't have. He's just lying. At least I hope. Huff, Iris this is a lot for you isn't it.

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