Let me intrude: Holly Olin Elias.

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February 2, and 18 days till my birthday! Eep! I've never been this excited about my birthday but this year it feels different. My 18th birthday.

What can I say my senior has been good to me. Passing classes, no Holly, a bestfriend and Bryce.

I think I can say now that well I'm happy. Me, Iris Vail can say I am happy for once in my life.

P.O.V: Holly Olin Elias

"Ugh! I can't stand to see that ugly twig smile!"

"Yeah, Gosh you're so right Holly."

"Tell me Melissa, how can she have him?" I scrunch my nose at the sight of Iris with her handsome boyfriend.

"Maybe he's an idiot?"

Melissa you're such a dumb blonde but you always agree with me so I really can't complain.

"He's not an idiot!"

"Sorry, sorry please don't be mad." She cowards.

I flip my newly trimmed and high lighted hair pass my shoulder and forgave Melissa for calling that hunk an idiot.

"It's whatever, ugh. He's hot."

I look over towards Iris who's playing smiling with Bryce. I hate Iris I hate her so much!

Her happiness is due to him... Get him out her life and she'll be same old lonely and sad Iris again.

I smile and giggle a little at the thought of that.

"What's funny Holly?" Melissa asks while checking her make up.

"I got an idea on how I can wreck Iris and have her man."

"How you going to do that?"

"Get over here, and leave your cheap make up alone! I need you to distract Iris at the end of school."

"Uh, why?"

"Be-cause, Melissa! You have class with her your last period. Duh!"

I swear if she didn't have her looks she be just like Iris. Lucky she's cute, not as cute as me obviously.

I need her to distract Iris so I can have some alone time with Bryce. This is going to be good.

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