Like He Knew

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Oh my god! I have nothing good to wear! It's early in the morning, I look like a mess and a cute boy is literary on the other side of my door.

My mom probably knew I'd find him attractive, she's knows what kinda guys I would find cute.

Gosh, Bryce. Dreamy light brown eyes reminded me of golden caramel apples, which went so perfectly with his thick long black hair. I nearly melt thinking about every handsome feature on him.

"Bryce," I whisper I as shuffle through my closet for a nice long sleeve shirt to cover my bandages. "The boy of my dreams!" I squeal a little at the end of excitement.

Suddenly I heard a knock on my door. It startles me and I near fell in to my closet.

"Iris? You busy," Bryce asks from the opposite side of my door. "If you haven't eaten breakfast yet you can tell me. I don't mind cooking for you."

I'm frozen, I force myself to spit out my words. He would cook for me? He knows how to cook? He's standing outside my room? Gosh I feel my body go stiff.

"Um... Yeah just, I mean I'll be out in a jiffy!" A jiffy, really? Nice move Iris! He probably thinks I'm such a geek now.

Instead of him just walking away from my lame choice of words, I hear him chuckle from behind the door. Oh his little laugh was adorable. Why am I thinking every little thing about him is cute. Am I that pathetic.

Finally I find a long sleeve shirt that doesn't look dirty, only thing that bothers me is that it's a pink sweater. My grandmother got me last Christmas. As I walk out my door I feel like running back in, I feel to girly. But it's too late Bryce spots me. His smile warms heart and I forget about my old grandma knitted sweater.

"Ready to eat their kitten." He chuckles a little.

I don't get what he means by kitten. I reply saying what and he points straight at my sweater. I look down and notice there's two kittens playing with a ball of yarn on my sweater. My face heats up and I began to blush.

Great, how did I miss that. I'm embarrassing myself way to much.

"Oh, um... It's not mine!"

"Really? Huh, I don't remember your mom saying you have a little sister."

"No, it's m-my friends. Yeah she left it here some time ago and I just... You know... I just...."

"It's alright, doesn't matter. It looks comfy especially on you." He breaks me off from my lame explanation.

His smile is so warming. His lips are so... Wait! Hold up, Iris! Don't be so weird already and think about kissing his soft, smooth looking lips. Wow, did I just really think that.

"What would you like? I see you got eggs, bacon, sausages and frozen hash browns." His words break my thoughts of him. I look over at him cracking an egg on the frying pan.

"You know how to cook?" Wow, stupid question.

"Is that a surprise that a guy knows how to cook?" He smiles at me as he set another frying pan on the stove. "It's just an egg."

"No, no, no it's just, well you know. Most guys don't like or know how to cook. Not including the grilling."

"I'm not most guys. I can't do that either."

He turns away from me. Did I say something wrong?

Minutes later he sets a plate of food in front of me. He sits across from me, only eating a piece of toast. I feel fat over here eating this and he's over there just eating a plain piece of bread. I look at my stomach, I know I can see my ribs but to myself I still feel fat and disgusting.

"So why does your mom want somebody to watch over you?" He asks breaking the silence.

I freeze. I couldn't think of an excuse. So I jut blurred out the truth, well small details of it.

"I-I have depression..." I swallow my food hard. Why couldn't I think of a good lie. " It's nothing though! Like they just think it's better if I don't stay alone you know, just for company to make me feel happy." I force out the fakest smile.

He slowly gets up. I started feeling bad, I felt like he was going to leave but he didn't. As I felt my eyes began to tear up from just admitting to him about my depression, he walks right beside. I look up at him and he grabs my hand and my heart begins to race. He lifts me off my chair to my surprise.

I don't know what came over me but I just felt so complete with him that I began to cry on his chest. I didn't know and I didn't care if the hug was implied but it felt right.

"I've survived too." He whispers in my ear calmly.

I quickly look up at him, tears rushing down my face. Did he really just say what I think he said. He wipes my tears away and smiles at me. His smile was different though, it's his eyes. They hold a past behind them.

"Y-you too?"

"Yeah, you're not alone and trust me I know how it's like to struggle." he smiles at me.

"I'm sorry for crying I just..."

"It's okay," his words cut me off. "don't have to apologize to me."

"Yeah." I smile at him.

As he lets me go he touches my wrists with my bandages and turns around to pick up my dishes.

Does he know about my cuts! Hopefully he doesn't. I know this story with guys. No guy wants a girl who tried to kill herself.

I've never would have thought I'd tell anyone, especially someone I just met, about my depression. There's just something different about him. Something that makes me feel safe with him, and he hurt admitted to why that is.

Iris VeilWhere stories live. Discover now