This Is Beautiful

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P.O.V: Arron

"Dude, why you so worked up on this skinny bitch. I thought it was just smash and dash. Don't be a girl Aaron."

"Shut the hell up." I tell Frankie while we play pool. "There's just something about this one."

"Just mad 'cause you couldn't et it in."

"Dude, I swear Ima bout to beat you with this pool stick."

"Chill, damn. I just saying what's so special about her. I mean you never get attached, it's what make you Aaron."

"I dont know but man she was something." I walk to the mini fridge to grab a beer. " but yeah, I wish I could have slept with her."

"You're such a puss."

I sock Frankie on the shoulder. I don't know what I should about this. I'm thinking I should just let it go, and go screw other chicks.

Frankie is passed out on the floor after a couple of beers. I'm a bit buzzed too and thinking what if I go see what that little princess is up to. I grab my jacket and wobble out the door. I have no idea where my keys are so I go walking there. I just got to see what she's up too. Maybe she's alone, I can get in her room.
I get to her place and I stumble to the side door. I was think of knocking on the window but I saw her and another shadowy figure through the curtains in the living room. I ease drop into the conversation.

"I dont know Bryce. I not sure we'll win. Well not with me."

"Stop worrying Iris, I just want to have fun. I honestly don't care if we win."

Great that bitch ass Bryce is here. What's this thing about winning?

"I guess you're right. I'm just not sure about prom."

"Hey, we just gotta show up. Erika would kill us both of we don't go."

Prom then, huh. That explains it. I know where I'm going then. I get up slowly but then hide behind Iris's moms car. I see a car pull up, but the front light were off. Who the hell is that, I know the moms here so who?
I start wanting towards the car to see what's up. Does she have another guy. Nah, it's a girl never mind.
She's not even looking at me, the to focus ignore her phone. It's 10:57, what's she doing here.

"Hey, blonde sugar. What's your dealing creepy up here." I tap on the glass of the car window.

"I'm here to get that skinny bitch back for ruining my prom moment." She says rolling down her window.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Holly O. Elias and who the hell are you."

"I'm Aaron."

"Well Aaron if you squeal that I'm here, I'm going to ruin you!"

"You're a violent one." a smile creeps up to my face. " I like that."

"Ewww, no." She says pushing the car door open. I push back against it, not letting her open it. "Hey! What the hell, let me out."

"Not till I talk to you, cutie. I think I got a way we can help each other."

"How, you bum?"

"Tell me everything you know about Iris and Bryce."

P.O.V: Holly O. Elias
2 hours earlier

"Ugh!! I hate her so much!"

"Well at least you're still pretty!"

"Shut up, Melissa! It won't matter if I'm not the queen! And not I can't even go just for pushing her around."

I hate hate HATE Iris! I lost my chance to go to prom and now I'm stuck at home till after prom weekend.
I walk around my room think of what to do. I feel I'm about to explode!

"Well, you shouldn't care. Why should you care about her taking your spot."

Wait what did she just say.

"Iris Vail. Took. My. Spot!" I snap. "When did this happen! Why didn't you tell me Melissa."

"I'm sorry." Melissa cowards.

I can't let her get away with this, I have to make her suffer.

"I'm gonna kill this girl, mentally."

"Holly, you're scaring me."

"Oh, am I. Huh, am I!"

"Yes! Please don't hurt me."

"Oh, I wouldn't hurt you." I put my hands on her shoulder and get closer to her face. "I'm gonna hurt Iris."

I push Melissa back to my bed and I storm out my room. I walk down my stairs taking the keys to the car. I'm gonna make this girls life hell!
I drive all to that sticks house, she's going to pay. I should be going to prom. I should be in the run for prom queen. I should be prom queen. I should be, me, me, me!
I pull up to the curve in front her house. I turn the front lights off so she doesn't notice anything outside. I take out my phone and text Melissa. I text her for a while, well because I really haven't planned out how I'm going to get her back. I just drove here looking for revenge.

"Hey, blonde sugar."

I jump in my seat. Some random idiot decides to scare to hell out of me by knocking on my window. He looks homeless but pretty handsome. I rolled down my window and yell at him. Why the hell would he scare me like that. Stupid bum!
I push open the door to walk towards Iris's home but this bum wouldn't let me out. I ask him what the deal and
then he said some that caught my attention.

"Tell me everything you know about Iris and Bryce."

This is gonna be good. I can use this bum to get both of them. Oh, this is gonna be... beautiful.

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