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"Iris! Are you home? You didn't answer so I just thought I walk in. I mean my daughter should know better than to invite me but not answer the door."

"Mom!" I shout from on top of the stairs, just barely getting out of the shower.

"Iris, your house is nice and you should really learn to lock your doors."

"I'll let Bryce know. Just hold up I'll be out in a minute." I walk in to my room and began to change.

It's nice having my mom over for the first time on Christmas, especially now that Bryce and I were able to afford our own place. It's not a mansion or anything just a nice two story house.
Once I'm done changing I walk down the stairs and head towards the kitchen where I hear my mother setting up plates.

"Hey mom."

"Iris! You haven't set up the table yet, how are you going to have everyone over and not have the dinner table set still!"

"Mom," I laugh a bit. "it's barely 8:15 AM." I check on my phone.

"Well you better get started you know that right?" she says getting ready to cook the Christmas dinner. I would have started earlier but I'm not the best so I wanted to wait till my mom arrived.

"So how everything with the new job Iris." She saying stuffing the turkey.

"Great mom. I honestly love it and I'm lucky I found one after college."

"Well I'm glad you became a therapist at the hospital."

"Yeah, I always use to hate them but it's funny that's what I chose." I say trying to make holiday cookies.

"How's that guy, what's his name again? The one you met before?"

"He good and just call him Punk, he still goes by that. It's kinda crazy how I ended up meeting him at college. Oh my God, I remember Bryce being jealous but it's all good now."

"Was this the same year he proposed to you?" My mom turns to look at me.

"I like to think he did it out of love," I laugh. "and not because he was jealous."

"It's been six years but you and him still act like you're teenagers, I swear."

"What can I say mom. He's the love of my life."

"You're welcome." she smiles at me.

"Oh shut up, and help me make these cookies. I think I messed up." I turn to her covered in flower and dough.

Finally everything's set up and the foods almost done in about an hour. Perfect, just in time when Bryce gets home from work. He works as a manager at this restaurant while he goes to school still. He's in college to become a psychologist, thankfully he's almost done with school.
While I wait for the food to get ready I'm up in my room getting my nice clothes on and fixing my hair. As I'm straightening my hair I look in the mirror and just noticed how much I've grown. My own home, married, have a career, and doing my hair. Life has changed, and soon will Bryce and my life after tonight. Check my phone and it's 5:26 PM. Where's...

"Iris! Erika and Mic are here!" I hear my mom shout.

Perfect timing Erika. Now I'll just wait in my room for a few second and wait for it. I stare at my door and hear foot sets coming up the stairs.
Three... two... one...

"Iris! Merry Christmas!" I'm use to this by now. She runs up and hugs. She smell like egg nog.

"Oh my God! I missed you." she shouts.

"I missed you too."

"Wow, you look beautiful."

"Thanks Bryce bought me this." It's a smooth dark red dress. Something festive for tonight. "and you look nice as well in you puffy sweater and over sized beanie." I poke at her.

Iris VeilWhere stories live. Discover now