This Is My End...

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Okay... seems like I missed a lot when I was at the dentist.

Bryce and Aaron fought, wow! I really have no ideas what was going on, it's only been a couple days since it happen and I'm still home because my tooth still hurts. Damn you wisdom tooth! I lay in bed staring at the ceiling, I wish my mom hadn't disconnect my phone so I can text Erika about everything that happen but this is what I get for being with Aaron back then, having my phone disconnect till May, ugh.

I fall asleep but then I am awaken by a knock... at my window? huh?

I get up and check my phone, 9:08 pm. Who could it be? I get up and walk toward the window to see who's behind the curtains.

"Aaron!?" I see him with his messy hair and smoking cigarette.

"Hey princesses. Let me in, yeah?"

"No! Go away!"

"Come on you still can't be mad, you know how I get when I drink a bit to much. Now let me in and we can get things start. You are my girl aren't you."

I open my window, I really couldn't hear him through the glass.

"Ary, Can you please not do this, my mouth still hurts from the dentist that other day."

"So you're letting me in?" He raises an eyebrow.

"No Ary, just go please." Im just exhausted and tired of this.

"Okay good, I'm coming in." He jumps up and tries to get inside.

"Ary, no! Out!" ugh I feel like I'm training a puppy.

Then another noise catches my attention. Ugh, why does all this have to happen all at once. It's like my whole life is planned out just to make things more difficult.

I give up let Aaron in but I tell him nothing's going to happen. I go open the front door. Ugh, please don't let it be who I think it is... Yup, thanks life.

"Hey cutie."

"Hey Bryce, what you doing here."

"Well it's been like two days since I seen you and I thought your mouth must feeling better by now."

"Just a bit."

I look back and see Aaron opening the door, oh no.

"Hey there pretty boy." He gives Bryce a wink.

"What the hell is he doing inside your house."

"He just..." Aaron cover my mouth with his hand.

"Just getting busy before we were rudely in..." I bite his hand. "Ow!"

"Aaron stop alright."

"Get out loser."

"What go for round two, huh Ramos?"

"I'll knock you out again."

"That was a lucky shot!"

"Stop!" I shout. "Can you guys please just cut this out!" I began to cry, this is to much for me to take.

"Iris?" They both say at the same time.

I look up and see Bryce's chocolate brown eyes and I look over at Aaron who has a worried look on his face, which I hasn't seen.

"Can both you guy just leave, and not fight. I really can take this okay."

"Alright." Aaron says shoving Bryce out the way of the door.

"Iris," Bryce looks at me and smiles." you'll be safe, I promise you." He kisses my forehead before leaving.

Ugh, I hate this drama stuff! I walk back into my room, and fall flat on my bed with my face on the pillow. That was to much and why did Aaron come by my window. I hope schools better tomorrow.

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