Slip Of The Tongue: Erikas S.

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"Calm down, Erika." Iris giggles in a youthful tone.

"Sorry but I can't help it! Bryce and you are back together plus your back to your old self. No more tough druggy looking Iris." I put out there.

"First of all I did it once the rest was Aaron who was always doing it around me. Second I dont know if we are officially back together."

"But you had that moment where your mom walked in on..."

"Erika!" Iris shouts.

"Oops, sorry." I smile with a giggle.

We talk for a while before class began. I like how Iris's has been improving as it use to be. Her attitude isn't stuck up or down-ish.

Prom is just two months away and I am making sure Iris and Bryce go together. They Have to! They're perfect for each other. Now that I think of it I'm so focused on them that I forgot about me! I won't have a date, how sad. I don't care though I don't mind third wheeling it and dancing randomly with other group of friends.

The classes blow by and as I make my way to the exit I see a familiar figure. Is it? Wait, no! Arron! You must go! I quickly stop as I see that he noticed me looking at him through the crowd of people. He takes one step and that's when I notice he's walking towards me. I shove everyone out of my way, apologizing to them as I do, I need to get away from him.

"Erika!" I hear his voice echo behind my ears.

No keep running, find Iris before he does! I look back and notice that I lost him. Phew, that was close, I lean back against the library wall wondering what he was doing here. Was he here for Iris?

Suddenly I hear someone coming at me, Aaron? No!

I open my eyes and see Holly. We make eye contact. It's ashamed we aren't longer friend but the way she is, I just can't be friend with her.

"What you looking at betrayer?" She huffs.


"Where's your dog?"

"Her names Iris and she my bestfriend!" I burst at her.

"We use to be friends." she walks closer to me. " and thanks to her I won't have a chance to win Prom Queen!"

I scratch my head what is she talking about. How is it Iris's fault? I ask her what she meant, but she crossed her arms and started to bash Iris. She said that day everyone saw her and Iris almost fight made everyone see the true side of her. Good she do meant deserve to win.

"Why could you be friend with her, she a loser. Always happy and stuff..."

"Stop you know nothing about her! She has depression and she can fake a smile!"

"Wait what?" I heard a small laugh in her voice.

No, damn my mouth! That wasn't suppose to come out.

"So little miss smiles is secretly depressed huh?"

"No I didn't say that!" I began to worry.

"Ha, I bet she cuts herself to. How pathetic would that be right?" She jokes around.

"Yeah totally! I mean, yeah that be dumb. No way she cuts. Don't be silly." I give a fake laugh then began to walk away.

"Wait! She does!" damn it. "OMG! I'm glad you're a bad liar Erika. Now I got some heat on her."

"Wait please don't tell anyone!"

"Or what miss happy thoughts."

I have nothing, I can't do nothing. I can't threaten her she's to mean to let me frighten her. Damn it, I messed up big! I see her walking away and I can't let her do something with this information. I chase after her before she was down the hall.

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