Don't Know, Dont Care

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"Ms. Iris!"

"Huh? What happen." Another annoying voice waking up, first my mother now my World History teacher.

"Iris if you can stay awake for the next hour that be great."

"Or I can just lay here Mrs. Smith."

"Don't push it." The wrinkles on her forehead show again. That old woman makes me mad.

"Whatever then." I say leading back in my seat.

"You know what. You get to stay outside for the rest of class." She points her finger at the door.

I get up with a huff grabbing my backpack and storming out the door. At least in get to sleep outside but it's so hot.

Since my birthday I've been sneaking out with Aaron. We hang out at this bar where he plays pool. I don't like it much, he beats me all the time. We aren't dating but I like to think he's mine, he does care about me.

I have seen Bryce around but instead of getting all depressed I get mad. He doesn't even smile at me he give me this disapproval look like he's ashamed I'm always with Aaron. Who cares, he walked out on me for something I didn't mean to do, yet it's kinda like the whole Holly thing.


"Sup Erika." She passing by my class room to get to her class.

"What are you doing out here?"

"You know enjoying the sun, trying to sleep. How about you? Ditching now I see."

"What? No! I was just coming back from the bathroom." She looks into my eyes. "Iris are you okay? You've been acting different the past few days."

"I've been living love free and I'm just saying screw it all and not caring for anyone."

"Iris if this has to do with Bryce..."

"Nope shut up, Aaron says don't talk about him or get in any conversations about him."

Erika crosses her arms and lets out a puff. "So it's Aaron's fault the you've been acting this way."

"Look calm down..."

"No, Iris this isn't you."

"I wasn't anybody anyways!" I snap at her.

We just look at each other, not saying a word for a moment. She looks more sad than angry but for me, I'm just annoyed.

"Look just talk to me later and stop hanging with Aaron. Trust me he'll hurt you worse." She says breaking the silence.


She walks away and I just lay my back against the wall waiting for the next bell to ring.

What was Erika even talking about Aaron it different, he not Bryce. I wonder What Bryce is doing right now, does he still think of me? Wait! No, no, no stop thinking about him. It's hard getting him out of my head, I don't wanna think about him anymore.

Finally lunch but then it hit me, I'm alone at lunch again. I usually hung with Erika but I don't wanna talk to her because I know she'll just tell me that Aaron is no good. Bryce, he's the only other person besides Erika who I was with at lunch.

I look around and all I see are people judging me with their stares. It's gets me mad but at the same time it gives me that empty lonely feeling again.

I walk past all these people keep my head down till I bump into someone who was in front of my way. I look up and surprise to see who it was.

Holly, oh great.

"Little dumb Iris, haven't seen you in a while how's the boyfriend."

"I'm not with him." I say with quite tone voice.

"Oh that's right not anymore since I had him smacking on my lips." I tighten my fist, man I really want to punch her.

"He said you forced it." I had to have closure.

"So he told you," she smiles and twirls her hair with her finger. "anyway how, yeah it's true I forced it but I'm pretty sure he enjoyed it."

"You're a bitch!" I shout out at her, having everyone around us turn a head.

"What did you just call me loser! Don't be mad just because I stole a kiss from your boyfriend, oh wait that's why you both broke up ain't it." She look ready to hit me. I look around and see everyone give Holly the look of disgust at what she said.

"Hey! Stop it."

Holly and everyone's head turn to someone behind me. I turn around and see Bryce stand behind me with an angry look on his face.

"Leave her alone Holly, your making a scene." He gets closer to me.

Holly says nothing just stand their while everyone around her gives her a mad dog face. Think they finally realized how bad a person the popular girl really is.

"Whatever." Holly walks away pushing the people in her way.

I just stand there looking at Bryce who is telling everyone to leave. He's looking different today, like he's been working out huh? Maybe it's just my mind messing with me, since I've never really seen him in a sleeveless shirt.

He turns back at me and I quickly tighten my jaw. I still haven't had any contact with him since my birthday.

His face didn't seem to happy. He looks so annoyed by me. He's been like this for a week, not smiling or even trying to talk to it's been more the opposite.

"See you later." His voice sounds so serious as he began to walk away.

"Wait! Hold up, Bryce!"

"What do you want?" He turns looking annoyed.

I don't wanna say much now, I don't even know what to say.

"Just wanted to say thanks for that."

"Well don't." He turns to walk away but I grab his hands.

"Bryce stop why you acting like a punk."

"You're high."


"You're high. I can smell it on you, seriously Iris."

"I'm not high!"

"But you were or else your wouldn't smell like it."

Damn I thought today I wouldn't smell like it.

"Look it's none of your business."

"You know what? You're not the girl that you use to be."

"What you talking about? I just don't tolerate love crap."

"That's exactly what I mean! Iris you use to be sweet, you were never like this till you got with Aaron."

"Aaron just made me realize how I can protect myself from getting hurt and don't talk about him you don't know what's he's been through." I'm mad at him, he has no idea why I'm acting like this. He also has no idea about Aaron's past.

"We all have troubles in our past, some worse than others. The thing with Aaron is he's still a bad guy, he could be cool but he's not trying to change and your not going to help him. He's going to continue being this troublesome guy who is only going to do bad and he's turning you like him!"

"Shut up! You don't understand."

Nothing is said for a while. We stand there looking at each other seriously, no words, just eye contact. He shakes his head and began to walk away from me, I wanna go after him but what the point.

"Hey Iris," He yells out walk backwards slowly. "I'm not over you but you're making me want to."

My heart sinks down to my stomach and my jaw tightens up. That hurt me bad, I don't wanna say I don't deserve it but I honestly feel I do. I kissed Aaron, I did push him away, I am doing stuff he'd hate, an worse I'm also sorta with Aaron now.

Ugh! Who cares I don't need him I'm over this! So done!

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