Awkward Much

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Bryce walks me to the front door. I still can't get over the fact that I'm the reason he cut himself again, I'm a horrible person!

"Here we are." He says looking into my eyes.

"Yeah." I look down at my feet I can't look at him in the eye without feeling disgusting.

"I'll see you around."

"Wait, Bryce!" I wrap my arms around Bryce not letting him leave. "I know you hate me but I never stopped loving you and I just feel horrible. I feel so horrible that I'm the reason you..."

"Stop," he puts his finger on my lips to shush me. "don't do this, not now."

"But, I just don't want you to go. Stay for a while."

He look at me with those kind eyes and gives me a small smile. "Alright, Iris."

We enter the front door and feeling better knowing Bryce will be here with me. I still can't believe he did that to himself, oh Bryce I'm sorry for hurting you. I wish I could make it up to him maybe if he stays here with me for a while he'll feel better, well he might already feel better but still I dont know what else I can do.

We walk into my room and I really haven't noticed how messy I left it, everything looks like it's been thrown around. Half my bed sheets on the floor, socks on my counter, and a pile of cloths in the far left corner of my room. I'm a pig.

Bryce takes a seat on my bed and rubs his face with his hand, looking tired and wore out. I noticed that look before, I've had it plenty of times. He's tired of everything, I can't help but feel it's my fault. What am I saying! It is my fault. I walk over towards Bryce and sit right next to him.

"Bryce I can't get over the fact, that you..."

"Iris it's over, just let it go. "

"I can't, okay! You we're clean for the longest time but now..."

"Iris, just drop it! It's not so bad."

"It is to me! I don't want anything happening to you."

"So now you care?"

This isn't going great, I didn't want to have an argument at least not tonight, I can't take this.

"I've always cared."

"Yeah, it sure showed." He rolls his eyes. "look Iris I should go, staying here with you wasn't a good idea."

"Bryce I'm sorry, I just..."

I'm stopped in my tracks. My mouth is shut in mid sentence by Bryce, his lips are pressed against mine, and my eye widen with my face glowing hot red. He pulls back and I'm left there frozen but feeling warm. His kiss, how I missed his lips brushing against mine.

"Much better. Now no more arguing, Iris." The corner of his lip rises.

I gently touch my lips then let out a smile. It felt as perfect as always, but them tears ran down my face.

"Iris?" He says confused.

"I miss you." I whisper holding back my tears. "I miss everything we were."

He wraps his arm around me and holds me as I try to stay strong to hold back my sorrow. Im not sad, I'm crying because I miss everything that we use to be.

I look up at Bryce as he held me close to him and I couldn't help but smile. He smiles back me and inlet out a small giggle, just then he pulls me close towards him and is feel my face get warmer. Our faces are literally just an inch away from each other. I couldn't help myself I close my eyes and lean in closer. I feel his breath groove on my skin. Our lips match and it give me that exciting shock feeling as it was has.

I felt complete with him, with his lips and mine.

We continue kissing as he lays me down on my back on my bed. I feel my body move against his as they pressed against each other. His lips move from my lips down towards my neck making my breathing heavier. I felt every little peck on my collar bone area. I grip my arms around his body pulling him closer. He takes his shirt off, then pulling mine over my head.

It's got more intense I felt every of his body grind against mine. I feel my body craving him and I could tell he wanted mine body. I bite on his lip and rub my hands on his biceps. Bryce gently bites on my neck and began to unbuckle my shorts. I feel myself wanting him more, and more with every passionate kiss.

"Iris, Hun I'm home..."

"Mom!!" I stop and push Bryce off me, and quickly grab my bed sheet cover up my shirtless body. Mom you really do always have the best timing for everything. Gosh leave don't just stand there looking!

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I'll just uh..."

"Mom! Go!"

"Uh, yes, uh want anything? You Bryce?" He's panicking she does this a lot when she's nervous, she keep rambling on non stop.

"Mom! Now please!"

"Yes sorry! Oh..." she shuts the door.

Damn, that was just perfect. Great job walking in at the worse possible time ever! She saw Bryce and I... uh getting really physical. Awkwardest moment of my life!

"Uh, Iris? Can you help me find my shirt?"

"Oh gosh yes, I'm so sorry. I had no idea my mom would be home."

"Yeah, not the best way to meet your mom again."

"It's so, ugh!" I grab his shirt and toss it to him. "Here's your shirt. That going to be awkward later."


"Yeah, Bryce?"

"This is your shirt."

I turn around and see my black shirt tighten against his body. Then I notice, I'm only wearing my bra on my upper body. I grab my bed sheets and cover my chest in embarrassment.

"Look away!" I hiss at him. Bryce laughs, then takes off my shirt and throws it at me.

"I feel I should go this time."

"Uh yeah."

As Bryce gets up he puts his shirt back on and starts walking towards the door.

"Iris? Bryce?"

Oh great. Moms back, noo. What now?

"I need to talk to both of you."

"No you don't I reply." worried about what she might say.

"Yes I do, now Bryce please sit down would you."

"Um, sure Ms. Vail." Bryce walks back to my bed and sits down, far from me this time.

My mom walk and sits between us and looks like she preparing for a speech.

"Look I know you two are young and have these well feelings, but you have to be safe."

"Mom don't. I'm begging."

"Let me finish hun. Look I can always be he to barge in and stop you both but if you two are going to be together again, which I'm happy you two are. I want you both to be safe so Bryce I'll be right back." My mom stands up and rushes to her room to grab something. Both Bryce and I look at each other confused.

"Okay, Bryce here you go." She throws a paper bag at him.

"What's in it." he opens it up and his face goes pale. I take a peek and my far does as well.

"Condoms." I say unsure.

"Yes, Iris. So Bryce you better have one next time. You always have to practice safe sex."

I cover my face in embarrassment and Bryce just sits there not sure in what to say. Please can we just skip to next week already and forget this awkward moment.

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