This Isn't You

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I don't wanna go to school. I've been ignoring Bryce this weekend and I'm not sure if I'm ready to see him. The sight of him will still be to painful to deal with. I really can't deal with all this! I don't wanna!


"What do you want mom!?"

"Iris you're going to be late for school," she says walking into my room without asking. "and I know that you an um, him, aren't together so..."

"Mom just stop, okay. You never make things any better." I say while taking my blanket off.

"Hun, What's going on? You never talked back to me like that."

"Well maybe I should have sooner, because honestly mom," I give her a deep look. "I'm just an embarrassment to you, remember that day from the ride back from the hospital?"

She closes her mouth and slowly puts her hand over her mouth. I look away from her and just get my self ready.

She leaves the room without saying a word.

I honestly don't care.

I walk to school, and I got to say I've never noticed how bright it was outside.

I really need to go out more, I feel like a vampire burning in the sun.

As I made my way to school I quickly walked passed everyone, I was pretty short so it wasn't that hard.


Does my name really always have to be screamed at? But it's Erika, she's a happy girl and happy girls can be loud.

I wave at her from across the hall and she dashes to me.

"Iris, you came to school? I thought you'd stay home because..."

"Okay! Enough just drop it, ugh first my mom now you." Woah, where did that come from? Is this me talking?

"Sorry, just you know. Never mind I'm sorry."

"Ugh, no Erika I'm sorry I've just well I dont know. I've not been myself."

"I understand."

She's really to nice, well so am I. Am I still?

Erika and I walk away from each other to get to our classes. I really don't wanna be here.


Oh, no. That voice.

I turn my head and in the corner of my eye I see him.


He walks close to me and I feel like running but I can't, it's like legs want to stay put.

He wraps his arms around me and I try my hardest not to hold his body against mine.

"Iris I missed you. I really need to talk to you, please."

"Leave me alone," I brush his arms off me. "I don't wanna hear anything from you!"

"Iris, what's going on this isn't you." He look into my eyes but I look away.

"What's going on with me Bryce?" No hear it comes, it's word vomit. I don't wanna say it but it's coming out. "You cheated on me! With the girl who's been making my life he'll since I was young! You were the one I thought would never hurt me but you did more than break me! You shattered me!"

He didn't say anything, he just stood there motionless.

He opens his mouth but then the bell rings.

"Iris I just have to..."

I turn and run towards the exit. I don't wanna be here I don't wanna be with him. I hear his footsteps behind me.

I try to find a place to hide so he can find me but I don't see anything.


I jump a little from the strange voice behind me.

I quickly turn and see Aaron.

"You ditching too?" He say.

"No time to explain just..." Damn it, Bryce cached up.

"Iris lets get to class and I can explain everything."

He walks towards me but Aaron gets in front if me.

He was tall, about the same a Bryce.

"Hey, if the girl wants to ditch why not let her have a little fun."

"Don't get involved man."

"What you going to do about it Kellin Quinn."

Okay I am now confused, scared, and for some reason feeling safe.

"You don't want to see what I'll do so back off ."

No, no, no! I know where this is going. I need to stop it.

"Bryce! Just go away."

"Iris, I..."

"You heard her, leave." Aaron interrupts.

Bryce is mad I've never seen him mad but he also looks her, I really don't wanna do this but I don't wanna get hurt.

"I'll hear you out Bryce just go."


I nod my head and he forces a smile. He looks at Aaron and he at him, this isn't good.

There's bad blood here now.

As Bryce leave to get to class, I look up to Aaron.

"Thank you, I didn't mean to get you involved in this."

"It's no problem cutie."

Did he just call me cute?

"Hey let's get out if here, we can hit the dinner."

Aaron is asking me to go out to eat with him? Aaron the bad boy of the school.

"I don't have money."

"You don't need money, I got this." He smiles at me.

He has a gorgeous smile I'll admit. Brown long hair, raggedy look blue jeans, and wearing two old flannels over a dirty white shirt.

I dont know why but for some reason it looks good on him.

"So you coming shorty." He says as he already began to walk away from me.

"Yes!" I say hurrying to catch up to him.

I get right by his side and he looks down at me. Wow his eyes, hazel color.

They're well dreamy... Wait! What? I shouldn't even be doing this, he's trouble, yet I'm still following him.

"Get on."

He rides a dirt bike? How do I even get on?

"Um, how do I?"

"Put this on," he hands me a helmet, "don't worry about you hair cutie, it already looks dirty."


"Oh just put it on and get on the bike, or you can stay with the crazy boyfriend."

I give him an angry look, "He's not my boyfriend," I out the helmet on. "he's my ex."

"Well then get on and hold tight, cause I ain't stopping if you fall."

He's a really jerk, but why am I still joining him? I don't even know him! what's happening to myself?

Who am I?

Iris VeilWhere stories live. Discover now