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6 months clean! Let me rant about this. Sorry. It's just this is the longest I've gone without cutting, but I have to thank my amazing boyfriend and bestfriend Erika.

Erika and I have gotten really close since the day she saved my life and showed me that their is someone out there, beside my boyfriend, who cares about me as a person. I dont know what to say. After almost dying I got to say... my life... is good. Which are words I've never though I'd say.


"What mom?!" I yell back at her as I hear her open the front door. She must have gotten back from her shift at work.

"I'm home. You hungry?"

My mouth waters to the new of food, good tasty junk food. Wow, I sound like a pig right now.

"Yeah mom I'll be right there."

My phone beeps as I roll off my bed. I reach towards my counter and see it's a text from Bryce.

Bryce: Hey bby :)

Me: Hey handsome (:

Bryce: what you doing later? I get off work soon, wanna go and see a movie?

Me: umm it's raining today tho

Bryce: but it's Friday night and I wanna see you cutie (;

He's so sweet to me. It's only been a day since I seen him, well I can't blame him. He can't drive me home all the time since he started working at Spencer's and Erika loves to talk... a lot after school to me. Oh, well at least he makes time and I love him for that.

Me: Sure babe :) see you soon!

Bryce: okay, be there in an hour.

As I munch my way through my California burrito that my mom brought me I see she's just giving me an awkward look.

I pause with my mouth, and look at her.

"What?" I mumble with my mouth full.

"Honey," Oh something big is coming. I know that because that soft 'honey' at the beginning. "I think we should have the talk."

What is she doing?

"The talk about well... sex"

I near choked on my burrito hearing her say that. Why have the talk now? Especially while I'm eating! My mom sure isn't the best on when is the right time to talk about something.

"You and Bryce," Oh, God no. Don't bring up my boyfriend mom. "You two having been dating since summer and now it's been about six or five months? Anyways my point is don't give it up so easily."

OMG! Mom what are you saying.

"Iris, honey. I know he's handsome and stuff but when it come to you and him having need I want you to think before you let him get..."

"Mom!" I shout with little bits on my food flying off my mouth. "I get it, Gosh! No need to keep going."

My mom shuts her mouth tight and give me a closed mouth smile.

"I'm just making sure, Iris."

"Ugh, I know but mom you got to trust me please. I'm not the hormonal girl, like the rest at my school."

I love my mother in all but sometimes it seems she doesn't trust in me.

Bryce arrive moments after I finished eating and now we're off to the movies. He's 18 so he can get in to any movie but I'm still 17 and will be till February 20.

When we got to the movies it was still pouring, but as the sweet boyfriend Bryce is of course he covers me with his jacket so my hair won't get wet.

"What looks good to you? I say 22 Jump Street."

Of course he would. I raise an eyebrow at him. He turns to look at me till he finally realizes that I can't get in to that movie.

"Um, sorry. I'll just come and see it with Kyle some other day."

Kyle is one of his friend he met at work.

"Oh! I wanna see that movie!"

He turns and gives me that 'I knew you would pick that one' smile.

"Fine," We walk up the the front the get our tickets. "Two ticket to the Fault In Our Stars."

Yes! I've been dying to see the movie and the book is just amazing. I love Lovey Dovey stuff Erika and I watch love movies all the time.

This is gonna be great. Bryce presses his lips against mine and my body warms up. I miss kissing him.


Hellos! haha sorry yes I know I lag... a lot.

Well here's a short 'Happy chapter' just about some positive stuff before.... No spoilers! sorry.

Anyways my friend @JigglePuff17 she is always telling me to update and write more so thank her :)

Vote, Follow, Comment& share please :) Thank You all!!!! really thank you.

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