I'm Iris

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Graduation day has finally arrived. It's kinda sad once I think about it, it feels like not so long ago I was getting pushed around, mocked, tormented, and on the edge of ending it all.
Pretty funny. I do laugh at times remembering my journey here. I just couldn't ever image that I could really be in peace with my life.
I have to thank Bryce I know that for sure. He came into my life after my life ending choice. I also have to thank my best friend Erika. She's been there for me, and even though it's only been for this year, it feels like we've been friends for years. Yeah, she might have told my bully about my cutting but I forgive her because I know she didn't mean to. I'm not ashamed of it as I use to be. I do at time look at my wrist and see the pale bright scars I left myself but I think of them at a mark of how weak I use to be. I am a stronger person now that's for sure, my mom and friends were all there to help me continue living. I actually never thought I'd be happy for once, I never thought I would be around for this moment. I thought it was all BS when people said to hold on and that it will get better. It use to be complete crap, like what do they know. I didn't believe in it at the time but as years gone by and my will got stronger, I knew it was actually true. I tried to make it out positive an as a result so did my life.
So as I sit here on my bed wearing my cap and gown I know this is just another stepping stone in my life. Am I sure if everything will go as planned? Of course not but at least I know I'm strong enough now to handle whatever life throws my way.
I get up ready to head out, I go under my bed and pull out the box. I take out the razor and just carefully look at it in my hands.

"You use to be my answer for everything," I softly whisper. "never again."

I put it back on the box and leave it on the floor. I stand up then stomp on the box crushing it.

"Iris! Are you ready yet. You're going to be late." My mom shouts from the living room.

"Yeah, I'm on my way."

I grab the crushed box and toss it in the trash on my way out the door.

"I'm ready." I crack a smile shutting the door behind me. Its been a hell of a year, and I'm thankful for it.
So long everyone.

Iris VeilWhere stories live. Discover now