Make A Wish

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The big day is here, my birthday. I have no idea what I'm going to do, my mother says she's going to be working, Erika has to be at her little sisters play, and I really don't know many people I just notice. How sad is my social life.

I was having everyone I knew here but apparently I can't even go out, the fact being that I ditched school that day with Aaron.

Aaron and I have been talking and hanging out a lot more, yeah he's a jerk but a jerk I can tolerate.

Bryce has yet to call me or text me. I'm starting to think that me hanging with Aaron has him avoiding me. He wanted to give me his explanation so bad but now it seems he's given up.

My phone starts to ring.

I check to see it was Aaron.

Aaron: Sup princess

Me: Hey Ary :)

Aaron: still with that crap huh. anyways I wanna see what your doing today

Me: aww someone care about me lol anyways nothing I'm grounded on my birthday

Aaron: so being a loner a always.

Me: shut up jerk!

Aaron: calm your ass down, anyways you should let me over if you just gonna be alone.

Me: I dont know I'm not suppose to

Aaron: what happen to all the veil talk about being someone new, I knew u would wuss out.

Me: fine come over but for what?

Aaron: surprise (; see ya later

What did I get myself into. Ugh hopefully my mom doesn't come home before then.

I really have nothing planned, this is gonna be a great day!

Happy birthday Iris, the big one-eight yippee.

Boredom I hate you.

I'm a fool with dreams and not a lot of thing, I swear that I can be everything...

My phone ringtone wakes me up. I love that song by Framing Hanley.

Anyways I answer to hear who it was.

"Hello?" I say half asleep.

"Wake you Princess ass up!"

Okay that woke me up. Damn it Aaron you didn't have to scream through the phone.

"Ha, let me in. It looks weird standing outside of your door at 7:30, the suns almost down."

7:30! How long did I sleep for!

I get from bed and slowly walk to the front door to open the door.

I yawn and I see Aaron standing there smoking.

"Can you not smoke in my home?"

"Can you know look like a zombie." He says flicking his cigarette at the grass.

"Shut up." I say playfully pushing him.

He laughs and walks into my house. He looks around a bit then turns towards me.

"Nice house, princess."

"Can you not. So what do you wanna do? We can watch Netflix on my laptop."

"Whatever, lets go then."

Such enthusiasm from this guy. We walk in to my room he just flops onto my bed. I lock the door just in case my mom comes home, I don't wan her to get the wrong idea of Aaron and me. Now that I think of it, probably locking the door isn't such a good thing either if I really don't want her getting the wrong idea.

Iris VeilWhere stories live. Discover now