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Finally coming back from recovery, and I'm ready for this week. I wasn't quiet sure on how everyone would react to my return, I mean I was gone for a month, with no one visiting me. My mom cried when she picked me up saying she sees a different me. I usually wouldn't agree with her but I honestly feeling different, in a good way.
I won't ever forget the people I talked to or the words Punk left me with. About how he loves listening to people and how we each have our own story, especially the thing he said about people who have scars. It's our mark.
Well here we go. I'm dropped off at the front of the school and everyone looks well different, I don't remember anyone here.
I think I've been gone for far too long. I smile a bit of the thought of coming back as I walk into the school. I wander around trying to look for anyone I know, so mainly Erika. The first period bell is about to ring and I haven't found her at all, where can she be? Walking around the school campus like an idiot looking lost I bump in to someone who almost knocking me down.

"Well I'm glad to see you again."

I jump and wrap my arms around his neck, giving him a squeeze.

"Wow, I guess you did miss me." He says trying to stay balanced.
"You have no idea." I smile at him.

I then noticed how close I was to his face and I let go of his neck taking a few steps back. My face was getting warm, I remember Bryce and I aren't actually together. I just missed him so much.

"You smell good today." Wait, what? That sounded weird. "Uh, I meant you don't smell bad today," Damn it I need to shut my mouth. "I mean not like you smelled bad before it's just I haven't hugged you in a a while an-and..."

"It's cute how you still get nervous around me." Laughing, stopping me from acting like an idiot.

"I really missed you Bryce."

"I missed you too Iris." He looks into my eyes, and give me tight hug. "I hope everything was okay while you were there."

I pull back a bit when he lets me go. I moved my bangs to the side of my face and give him a smile. "I'm more than okay, I know it might sound crazy but it was exactly what I needed." I look up and remember everyone talked to.

"I'm happy Iris," the first bell rings and we both had to head to class now. "I'll text you later if you have your phone back.

"Right here." I show him my phone.

"Good, text you tonight." He smiles with those dimples on his cheeks showing. "Oh! I also have something to ask you later, just ignore every other guy." He saying walking backwards away from me.

Ignore every guy? For what? I have no time to over think this I have to get to class, I've been gone for too long already so I can't be late.

The days goes by slow but this felt unusual. Everyone welcomed me back and everything felt, well nice. I'm not use to this at all. People aren't usually nice to also talking about nice people, I haven't heard or of Holly. I thought she'd be here to torture me at least.

I feel new I dont know what else to say about it. I feel like I'm not a scared, hopeless little girl anymore. I can look people an the eye without worrying about my scars, yet I still feel like I have to hide them for now at least. I always wear long sleeve shirt but soon I hope I won't have to. I won't be ashamed.


I know that loud noise from anywhere!

"Erika! Finally I see you."

She sprints up and nearly tackles me down to the ground.

"I missed you so much, Iris!" She says squeezing me tightly.

Iris VeilWhere stories live. Discover now