It Ends Tonight

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I'm shaking, why am I shaking?! Ugh! It's just a stupid dance for school but I'm just, well nervous.

"Calm down Iris. You look frighten." my mother says doing my hair.

We're both in the bathroom and I'm just staring into the mirror above the sink trying to hold still. I never do my hair, besides straightening, but my mom is a wiz at this. She's curly the bottom of my hair and putting the disgusting powder I call make up on me. I hate make up besides eyeliner. Hopefully she's done soon.

"How much longer are you going to be."

"Not much longer now, hun." She says finishing put with the make up.

"I'm not gonna look like an Oompa-lumpa, am I mom?"

She takes a step back and gives me her I know what I'm doing look. "You're gonna see how beautiful you look once you open your eyes."

"I'll take your word for it then."

Couple minutes later I hear her sigh in relief. "Okay, I'm done."

I open my eyes and I'm shocked. My jaw drops, I can't believe it. I don't look that bad. "Mom, I have cheek bones?"

"With the right color I was able to show them off."

"And my eyes."

"I know, they're beautiful aren't they. That's how I get my hazel eyes to pop."

"Yeah, yeah mom." I smile at her.

"Iris," She takes a seat on the toilet top. "I know it been hard between us for a long time."

"I know, mom." I look at her.

"It's just, Iris I don't have anyone else but you in my life."

"Mom..." My voice goes soft.

"Since you don't have a father around, and I've been on my own since I was young. I-I didn't know why I should keep caring about anything. That is till I had you. You were the reason I went back to nursing school," She looks ups and wipes her tears away. "Iris, I don't want to lose you. I don't want you to take your own life. I'm sorry for not being the best mother but I do love you."

"Mom," I can feel my eyes turn red and fill with tears. "please don't. I'm sorry I've worried you so much I just... I'm not going that route anymore." I grab her hand and look at her. "I'm here to stay and nothing is going to change that. Not anymore." I smile at her and she smiles back.

She gets up and hugs me. She cries and I just not to cry much.

"This is not the best place to having a serious conversation is it mom?"

She laughs. "Nope, and now I have to do your make up again because your tears just ruined it."

"Nice to worry about the make up." I say sarcastically.

"Well if I didn't who would, gosh." She smiles at me. I smile back.

"I love you, mom."

"I love you too, dear."

It's five and Bryce isn't here yet. What's taking him so long, he doesn't live far. I walk around the house trying to to keep calm, but I just feel ridiculous especially with this dress on the entire time.
5:25 and there's a knock at the door. He's here! My mom opens the door and Bryce walks in holding a corsage and looking handsome as ever. His hairs not in his face it's pulled to the side which makes him look really mature even more with his black and white suit. He looks so handsome, I kinda turn red after a while noticing I was about drooling over him.

Iris VeilWhere stories live. Discover now