Since Always

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"Guys calm down. It..."

"Let's go wuss!" Aaron shouts at Bryce pushing him.

"Don't push me!" Bryce is mad. I've never seen him mad before, it's scaring me.

I'm scared and my chest starts hurting. I feel like I'm going to pass out, that's when I realized what's happening.

I'm having a panic attack!

It starts getting harder to breathe and I feel like at any minute I'm going to pass out, I think I am.

"Guys move out the way!" Erika's voice stops the angry stare down between Aaron and Bryce. "Oh my god! Your body is shaking Iris!"

"What the hells happening!"

"She's having an anxiety attack!" Bryce's face looks scared.

Erika puts her arms around me and tells me to calm down and to take a deep breath. I still feel this hard pressure pushing against my chest and I think I'm going to hurl. Erika slowly sits me down on the couch and as I feel her hands on my shoulder I can feel my body tremble still at the sight of Bryce near Aaron.

"Damn, princess what happening?"

"She had an anxiety attack you." Bryce says sitting down next to me.

"Hmm, see what you do pretty boy."

"Me? How's this my fault!"

"How is it not!"

"Can both of you idiots shut up!" Erika shouts at them and my eyes widen. I've never heard her shout like that, it wasn't the friendly Erika shout she does. "you dumb boys! Yelling at each other and almost beating the hell out of each other in her living room is what got her to panic!"

They both just stood there. Bryce looks ashamed knowing she was right but Aaron had that blank expression on his face, the one that says 'like I care' look.

Does he really not care.

"I think you should go." Erika says.


"Me?" They both say.

"No just y..."


Great timing mom.

My mom walks in and stop at the sight of Bryce siting next to me, Erika standing next to Aaron who she had no idea who he was.

"Uh, hey everyone."

We all greet her, except for Aaron.

"What's happening here? I thought only Erika was going to be here?"

"Uh, Ms. Vail? It was but um, we thought why only me? Why not more of Iris's friends."

"More friends!" Wow she really sounded excited and surprised. "that's great! We can all eat together."

Huh? I must be going blind I didn't even notice the pizza box in her hands, I was still focusing in Aaron and Bryce who almost beat the snot out of each other.

The rest of my birthday well what can I say... it was awkward.

My mom seeing Bryce back here after what happen.

Aaron, a new guys she's never seen before.

The worse part is that they're both sitting at the table one on each side of me.

Aren't normal eighteen year olds birthday party's suppose to be lively and fun with lots of talking?

I guess not mine. alone was filled with my ex boyfriend, the boy who's trouble, Erika who's keep this being a street fight and my mother.

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