Our secret

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A week has gone by now and today is the day I'm going out with Bryce! I don't know why but my mom had a hard time letting me go out with him. Could have been because of my accident or maybe it had to do with the fact that Bryce is eighteen. Whatever it is she finally caved in and decided to let me go out with him.

I woke up early today, seven o'clock.

"Hey, someone's up early today." My mom says walking into my room. I should really need to learn to lock my door.

"Yeah just excited I guess." I smile at her.

"Well hun, I wanna talk to you about something. Something about your date today."

"It's not a date mom." Even though I believe it is.

"Sure. Anyways, I wanted to talk to you about well boys," She hesitated a bit. "if Bryce tries anything learn to say no. Your virginity is something to hold on to till marriage, don't make the same mistake I did when I was your age and getting hurt."

"Mom!" I had to stop her, this is just to awkward! "I'm not that kinda girl, do think I'm that dumb?"

"No! I'm just saying..."

"Can you not, I don't feel like throwing up this early in the morning!" I snapped at her.

"I just don't want you getting hurt like I did when I was your age. I'm sorry, Bryce is a nice guy but I'm warning you. There are asshole guys out there. Who have no respect, no guilt, they'll hurt a girl emotionally destroying her. They are just ugh!"

As she is talking I notice her eyes turn red and swell up with tears. I feel bad, I know my mom grew up getting emotionally hurt and physically as well. She's just watching out for me, and I could understand why she doesn't trust guys. I don't even know my father. He left before I was born.

I hug my mom and she squeezes me back. I don't like seeing my mom cry, no one wants to see their mother cry.

She wipes her eyes and kisses my forehead then tells me to get ready for breakfast.

The water is warm and feels good on my skin. I really needed this shower, it just washes away all my troubles. Not my scars though. I stare at them for a long time slowly guiding my finger tops on them. I don't need the bandages anymore, but I hate how the stripes are still their. I feel disgusted just knowing they're part of my body now.

I turn off the water and get out the shower trying to ignore my scars and for some reason a thought came into my head. I have to tell Bryce. I don't why but I feel it be best, but I don't want him to leave my life especially when I think I could have a chance with him.

"Or maybe I dont." I look down at my feet, whispering the words under my breath.

I start thinking what if he's only asking me to go out because he feels sorry for me? Depressed girl who can't be trusted alone. That sounds like a reason for anyone to feel sorry.

I hate myself.

"Iris!" My mom shouts out.

"Yes!?" I yell back I finishes reading up on my book Bliss.

"Bryce is here, hun."

I quickly close my book and check myself out in the mirror before walking out the door. I then stopped and stated at myself in the mirror.

When have I ever tried to look good when going out? I feel like such a girly girl. I can never be that kinda girl, they're all full of themselves, yet again they are all doll faced. The only make up I can handle wearing on my face is eyeliner, anything else feels dry and fake.

Iris VeilWhere stories live. Discover now