Good Swim

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I've never woken up this early before, 7:20 AM this whole summer, feeling relax. I think it's because Bryce is always coming over and talking, caring, watching, and comforting me. I've never had someone like him who understands me, not even my mom. He's always caring, he knows what it's like to suffer with depression. I know it's not a good thing to have but I'm kinda happy he does, or else I don't think he'd be this kind to me.

It's been a few weeks since he's been coming over to, well "babysit" me and he hasn't asked if I ever had suicidal thoughts. I mean am I the only one who actually tried it? I'm glad he hasn't brought it up, he might think I'm a freak if he ever knew.

"Hun, I'm about to leave to work. Bryce will be here soon." My mom says, entering my room.

"Okay, mom!" I say excitedly jumping out of bed.

I can't wait to see Bryce! Our talks just feel perfect, we talk for hours and sometimes about random stuff. The other day we were mocking Barbie dolls and how he knew a girl who tried to be like her. He's just so perfect.

"Iris?" My mothers sounds concerned . "I think we should have the talk."

"The Talk?" I have no idea what she's talking about.

She was about to open her mouth till a knock at a door stopped her.

She smiled and said never mind as she made her way to the door.

I knew it had to be Bryce, so I quickly picked a nice long sleeve sweater. I know it's weird wearing a sweater during the summer but anything to hide my cuts.

"Iris, can you come here for a minute?" My mom ask.

"What's up Bryce," I say to him playfully as I made my way to the door. "Sup mom.".

"Bryce says if you wanna go over to his house to swim?"

"Yeah, I mean it is hot today. Why not come over and swim because I have to watch my little sister as well today." Bryce says wiping away the sweat off his forehead.

Wait, did he say swim! I touch my wrists as the thought of going swimming came to mind. I can't swim with my scars showing. He's gonna see them! No! Why couldn't he just bring his little sister here.

I look at my mom and I see she's thinking the same thing as I am. I can't show my scars from my attempted suicide, well accidental.

"Umm... Bryce I really don't like to swim. I-I rather just stay here, if that's alright?" I turn to my mom hoping she'd let me.

But she shakes her head in disagreement.

"Why not go, Iris. You don't have to swim just stand and get to know Bryce's little sister... what her name?"

"Helena, Ms. Valley." Bryce answers my mom.

"S-sure then, um just let me get some sunscreen?" I had to make an excuse to go back in my room to get something the won't bake me like a pie in the oven.

I'm lucky Bryce doesn't live far. Just up the hill from my home.

As we arrive to his house I notice how dull it looked out front. No trees, just plain green grass with some brown spots.

As we made our way in his front door I was really surprised to see how different it was from the outside. Amazing paintings, awards on the wall, and unusual sculptures all over the place.

"I'm sorry it's a mess here."

" Are you kidding me! You should see my room."

"Now that I think of it? I've never been in your room." He smiles at me as he guides through his house.

Iris VeilWhere stories live. Discover now