Special People

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"Iris, would you like to talk to everyone else?"

"I really don't feel like it today."

"Well it is you first day, you can skip your turn this time."

So, here I am in this troubled place. I never wanted to come here I've always did my best to convince my mom to never let me come here but this time was to much.

I honestly felt like I died. No sound, no pulse, no feeling, no nothing. All I remember was blacking out on my puddle of blood in my room. That's the last thing I remember before waking up, honestly I that that was the end of it all. I was for sure I ended it all but I guess I couldn't even do that right.

Anyways now I'm here at the what I like to call Teen Crisis Asylum. I never wanted to go here this place scares me, I mean I'm here because I tried to end my life and other are here for drug addiction, emotional breakdowns, or just simply because their crazy. This place make me feel like I'm in a mental institution, which I kinda am.

I wanna go home! I don't know anyone here and the only kid I've had any human contact with was a young girl named Angel who threaten to beat me up if I bumped into her again.

"Hey, sexy legs."

I look up to see one of the older kids sitting on the arm rest of the couch I'm on.

"Uh, hi?"

"Why you here? Whoring out?"


"You heard me cutie. Those long gorgeous legs spell it out. S-P-R-E-A-D M-E."

"Can you not? I'm not here for that, I'm here for a different reason." I cross my arms. This guys an ass.

"Well I'm here for O.D. I guess you can say I have issues."

"Apparently being disrespectful is one of them."

"What you say!"

Anger must also be a reason, his New Jersey accent is becoming really noticeable.

"I-I'm sorry."

"You better be cutie, or else I'd have to..."

"Hey! Short Mario, leave her alone."

I look up and see older looking guy, well not that old looking he's just the same age as me I know that. His brown skin really pops in the blue gown they had us wearing, and his pitch black hair was messy.

"I can't have any fun with you here, Punk."

"Why do you always have to bother every new girl that comes here by trying to get in their pants Mario."

"My names not Mario! It's Bonny." He says sounding embarrassed.

"Yeah, whatever just move along and stop bothering the girl, she's new here."

"Fine, Ima go check on the Kyle kid."


I don't understand it here, is Punk his name? Bonny? really I would have just socked Mario if I was him, but he doesn't seem like a bad guy, just a really... well let's say womanizer kinda guy.

"Thanks, he was getting on my nerves." I thank the guy they call punk.

"He's not really a bad guy, drug addiction, and abusive parents. That's kinda stuff can mess with a persons head." He takes a seat right across from me.

"Oh, I-I didn't know."

"No one knows, we all have our story for being here. Each one of us is going through something, some worse than others."

Iris VeilWhere stories live. Discover now