My Year?

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Senior year... Let it begin!

Well last year of high school and I'm hoping it be tree than the last years I've been in school, especially since Bryce will be with me.

I really hope nothing wrecks me this year. I plan on staying positive on my year.

"We're here babe." Bryce says pulling up to the front of the school.

"I never notice how many people go here." I says looking at a bunch of teens with backpacks or purses. I don't carry a purse like every other girl, I use my old blackish Jansport backpack.

I'm not the type to care about what's cute, pink, or popular. I'm just boring dull me, yet Bryce still thinks I'm 'perfect'.

"You awake," Bryce puts his in front of my face shaking it. "you do zone out a lot don't you?"

"Just one of the perks of being me." I joke.

"Well it's adorable, even though you look lost."

"Oh shut up." I give him a playful push.

As are laughter stops I look out his car window and notice that we have to get out and head towards the Welcome Back Rally. Such a drag. No one goes, only the freshmen and a couple people who actually like that kinda stuff.

"Let's go Iris! I wanna find a good spot for the rally."

Apparently my boyfriend is one of those people, great. For him, I stand listening to Justin Bieber and I really hate him.

Bryce comes to my side of the car door to walk with me. He holds my hands and we walk down to the football field where the rally is going to be at. While we walk pass the crow of people, I can't help but notice the dirty looks people are giving me. The look of disgust, an that's when I see her.

Holly Olin Elias. The girl who made my life hell. The reason I cut myself in middle school. She stands there with her group of pink minions.

"Hey there Virus," Holly says quickly covering her mouth. "Oops I mean Iris. Sorry to see you have to get someone to show you were the football stands are. You've always had a dumb mind. That's why you could never remember anything." Her stupid smile makes me want to cut her lips off and punch her in the face.

"Hey, what's your deal!" I quickly snapped at Bryce who looked furious. "who are your make up covered clowns to say that kinda stuff to my girlfriend."

My jaw drops and do Holly's, with her gang. No one ever talks back to her that way. She's the kind of girl who can break a person reputation.

I see Holly walking up towards me and Bryce and I brace myself to get smacked in the face by her. I close my eyes shut and tighten my jaw.

"You're lucky you're cute." I hear on my right side.

"What the..." Bryce says as he takes a step back. Holly is pressed against my boyfriend, rubbing his cheek!

"Why you dating this wreck? You're way to cute to be see next to her." She turns her head towards me and gives me an evil smile.

"Look," Bryce swipes Holly's hand off his face and backs away from her. "I'm not interested in queen bee. I'm happy with my girl, especially since she's not an upper class pink jerk."

I'm in shock. Not just because he just spoke back to one the popular girls in school but that he defended me. People seen me be bullied by Holly before but they never said anything, Bryce is the first.

Bryce gives my hand a quick squeeze and pushes right through Holly and her friends which still have their mouths wide open from what just happened.

Iris VeilWhere stories live. Discover now