The Cold Ground

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Prom, why is everyone so hyped up about it. It's still three months away and girls are already talking about it like it's a huge party.

I've never been the type to be into those kinds of things, especially this year knowing the popular Holly will win it. Ugh I hate this talk about prom, anyways I'm walking to Aaron's house since he said he'd be busy and wouldn't be able to pick me up.

Today's been a strange day, first Erika avoiding me now, Bryce looking happy without me and the prom talk. Today sucks, hopefully Aaron cheers me up.

Once I got to Aaron place I was already tired, it's a long walk to his house from the school and my feet are hurting.

I knock on the door hoping he'd answer.

"Sup, pinky." Aaron's roommate, Peele, answers the door drinking a beer.

Man he has this weird sent on him. He smell like baby power and old milk. It matches his look though, dirty messy brown hair, shaggy beard, and raccoon like eyes.

"I thought I told you not to call me that Peele."

"Doesn't ring a bell."

"Whatever is Aaron here?"

"Uhh not sure but you can take a look." He mumbles.

"Fine just move out the way." I walk in looking around the mess they have here.

"Ary! Ary! You in there." I knock at his door.

"Ey princess, what's up." He opens the looking like he just woke up.

"I thought you be busy. I was just you know, I was blazing it earlier with Peele."

"You're always like this, can't we just hang out together for once, without getting high?"

He scratches his head and yawns. I just look at his dirty shirt.

"Wow slow down. Lets just kick it in my room for a bit."

"Alright but then can we go somewhere, just us."

"Sure, princess." He leans me into his bed room.

His room has an old one king size bed, dirty pile of clothes on the floor and trash everywhere. It's messy but at least it doesn't smell I guess. I look over at Aaron who taking off his shirt and searching for a new clean one.

I look at his body for while, his body is so hot I have to admit. Abs the shape down to a V shape.

"You drool I see."

"What! No!"

He laughs and gets close to me. My face gets warm seeing how close he is to me with a shirt on. I fall back in his bed then he gets in top of me. He grabs my wrists pinning me down against his bed. I try to get out but he's to strong for me. He presses my body against me and he began to kisses my neck softly.

It feels good and... and... I push him off me and tell him to stop.

"What's wrong? Don't wanna have some fun princess." He smiles.

"No! It's just I've never done this stuff an I don't want to yet."

"You're such a bore, don't know how to loosen up and just have fun."

He's making me feel like crap. I know what he wants to do but I'm just not ready and yes he's hot and has a great body but I just don't wanna do this with just someone, I wanna be sure they'll be the one who won't leave me after. Aaron I have strong feelings for him but I dont know maybe I should just let loose.

I get up and walk towards him.

"Hey, just cause I won't go all the doesn't mean I won't soon." I kiss him wrapping my arms around his waist.

Iris VeilWhere stories live. Discover now