Ugly Vemon: Bryce M. Ramos

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2:23 I check my phone. Iris should be here by now, she is almost always here before me. Well maybe she's busy in class I guess I can wait a little longer.

I can't wait for this weekend. I had this day planned for a month almost now. I'm taking her to Le Frosh. I don't know if it's a French restaurant, but what I do know is that it is the best and expensive place in the city. That's why it took me a while working just to get reservations. Unfortunately I couldn't get a date on her birthday so this weekend will have to do.

"Hey, sexy dark eyes!"

Huh? who said that? I look to the side of me and see that pink which. Holly, follow by her yes monkeys.

"What do you want?"

"You well of course."

"Excuse me?" I say confused. What is she doing? Holly begins to get really close to me. I grab her wrists and try to push her away.

"Come on. Wouldn't you rather have this than that thing you call a girlfriend."

That's it. I push her away just enough to get her off me. Her friends got my back leaning against my car.

"Iris is beautiful and perfect. Plus, Holly. She not a total bitch!"

Okay I snapped, but I'm sick of this girl torturing Iris.

"No one calls me that! Most importantly no one says no to me, especially over Iris!" She's furious now.

"Call Melissa now, Ally."

What is this girl up to? suddenly I get punched in the gut and kneed between my legs.

Oh, god. What is happening?

"Looky here Bryce. I plan on ruining Iris's life, but you're making that impossible."

"Just leave her alone!" I say slowly stand up straight again.

I stare angrily at Holly when I noticed a smile come upon her face as she is looking over my shoulder. What is she smiling about...

Another kick in the groin and at that moment everything went crashing down.

She wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me in to kiss her. Her lips forcefully pressed against mine.

Then it just went dark when I heard footsteps clamp down to the pavement behind me.

I pushed Holly away from me hard this time and turn around to see Iris.

Her face. Oh, God why! Her face was devastated. Tears came over her eyes without her even blinking, body stiff and cold. As I look into her eyes I see a girl who was just fixing broken piece, just have them shattered in to a million more.

Iris, no. Please. This wasn't suppose to happen.

"Iris! it's not what it looks like!"

As soon as those word left my mouth Holly opens hers. Ugh!! How I hate this pink bitch!

Iris turns and runs before I even get a chance to explain myself.

"What just happen?" I'm still in shock this all happen way to fast.

"I guess you're single now, huh cutie?"

"Shut the hell up!" I snapped "What is your problem, why do you hate her so much, why are you such a.... Ugh!"

"Look here handsome, I don't need a reason. My goals to ruin this girls life." She smiles, "understood."

I hate her but there was no time to argue. I need to get Iris's and quick!

I jump into my car and drive off as quickly as possible.

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