This Is Real

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"Bryce don't!" I yell as I pull my arms away from him.

My heart is beating, and a drop of sweat begins to run down the side of my head. He knows something is up now, but why was he rolling up my sleeve in the first place.

I look at him and he has a face expression that say 'I know what's going on'.

"Iris, please don't lie or hide anything from me."

He knows!

"W-What are you talking about?" My voice is shaky.

He grabs my wrist again and rolls up my sleeve, revealing my scars.

My eyes began to swell up with tears. I want to run, I wanna hide! He noticed my ugly cuts marks.

I get up to try and run but he grabs my hand and pulls me against him. I look into his deep brown eyes and I see tears forming in them. What's going on?

"It's alright, I'm here for you." He lead in towards my wrist and presses his lips against my scars.

I'm crying still but my heart feels a jolt of electricity go through my entire body. He kissed my cuts? He kissed them.

"Bryce, I'm so sorry... I just can't do this I need to go..." I whimper as I turn to walk away.


I turn towards him before I started walking.

I see him take off his shirt. My face glows hot red seeing his tone body. I am blushing and it's really noticeable I bet. I look up to him and I see his eyes. There's tears coming out of them.

He then puts out his arms at me and I can't believe what I see....


Bryce has cut marks as well. Bryce has matching scars.

We stare into each other eyes seeing the pain behind them.

"I cut too, Iris."

"I-I..." I'm speechless.

"Don't worry, they're just scars now. I've been clean for over a year now." He puts his shirt back on covering up his, tone abs and muscles up, also covering back up his scars. "But, yours. They aren't that old, huh?"

"Nope," I start crying again. "I almost died a week before you started watching me... I'm sorry I didn't mean to..."

"You are so much like me, Iris." He gets close against me. He wraps his arms around my thin body and squeezes. I squeeze back and cry on his chest making my tears wet his t-shirt.

"I'm sorry Bryce!" I cry out, pouring my tears out on him. "I thought if you..."

"Iris, I cut too I understand," his voice was so gentle. I look up at him with my puffy eyes and runny nose. I'm such a mess right now why does he like me I mean just look at me. "Just look at me. I promise I'll be here for you, so you'll never have to pick up another razor ever again."

I look up at him and see his smile. His smile is just so perfect that it brings a smile to my face.

"You shouldn't have to do that, I'm just a mess...."

My heart lets out a huge thump, my body shakes, and I feel myself get no my tippy toes. I slowly close my eyes, Bryce's lips are pressed against mine and it bring my whole body to a halt.

Everything around us was gone, the trees, the purple sky, the moon, and the river. His kiss was the kind that makes everything in the world disappear and seemed to last forever.

It is a once in a life time kiss.

As he slowly pulls away, I feel my lips stick shock with the feeling of his on them.

Iris VeilWhere stories live. Discover now