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Finally the last bell has rang and the week can start. I've been waiting for this weekend for a while now. Bryce has a sweet date planned for us.

"Hey! Iris."

A very unfamiliar voice screeches in my ears. I turn to my side and see Melissa?

Melissa? What is she doing talking to me? She Holly's new best friend, why would she call my name for?

"Uh, Hi?" I say unsure, maybe she didn't mean to call my name maybe I heard wrong.

"You're a pretty fast walker you know that?" Yes she was talking to me, why though? "Anyways, wass up?"

"Um, nothing really just walking to meet my boyfriend."

"Oh my gosh, yes! He's really cute you know."

I know Bryce loves me and yes he is attractive but when someone like Melissa say that about him, well it doesn't sit right.

"Yeah..." I am really unsure why she is talking to me still? "Aren't you friends with Holly?"

"Yes! I'm her new besty! I come over to her place she tell me what to do and how everything should be done and she helps me to get guys talking to me on Facebook. It's so rad."

Yeah I really have no clue why she is talking to me for.

Suddenly her phone rings and she reaches in to her purse to retrieve it. She really seems to have a hard time looking for it.

"Hello?" Should I just walk away? "Oh, Hey Ally! Huh? Holly said what? Oh, okay." She hangs up the phone and gives me an unpleasant smile.

"My work here is done, bye-bye Iris."

"Uh, bye..." I slowly raise my hand up as she walks away.

Ugh! I'm going to be late to meet Bryce by his car. I quickly make my way to the student parking lot and go towards Bryce's car.

I can't wait till I get to spend the day with him and just...

"Iris! It's not what it looks like!"

My feet froze in their tracks. My heart let out one huge pump before stopping, and my eyes crack letting tears slip away from them.





"Whoops, sorry Iris." Holly's face has an evil grin.

I don't stay or question anything. I turn and run, run without caring if I could see or not. I dont wipe my eyes I just run, runaway from this!

"Iris! Please wait!"

Bryce, why? How could you hurt me like this!


Yes I know I know I lag I take forever and such stuff but sorry I've been working and well lazy to be honest. But I've been busy and tired.

But I am posting up a lot more chapters this week so no long waiting.

Especially sorry to you Erika, I know you love my story but am don't worry I'll be posting this summer a lot more.

Really sorry for the lag.

Thank you all who are still reading and loving it, it means a lot.

Hopefully you all liked the short P.O.V's

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