Purple Night

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My heart is racing, Im not sure if this is really the perfect time to tell him maybe I should wait till after we leave.

"What is it Iris?" His smile is just to, Uff! His cute little dimples don't make this any easier either.

"I... um... I have to tell you something." There go my palms again. Creating water while are fingers are intertwine together. He just continue to smile at me with his dark chocolate brown eyes looking at me.


A familiar voice shouted out my name through the crowd of people in the carnival.

I turn my head to see Erika. Erika was the only girl in middle school who didn't bully me and who actually saved my life from getting killed by the popular girls freshman year.Oh, yeah! One important thing about Erika... She was part of the popular girls.

"Iris! Is that you! Oh.My.Gosh!" Erika jumps in front of me filled with joy, as always.

She gives me a huge tight hug I swear she cracked my back. She looks gorgeous as always. Long wavy dark hair, pink Victoria Secret Pink sweater, no make up, and her priceless smile.

I feel so self conscious around her. I'm so skinny and she's just has the perfect, dream girl, figure. At least her cutting me off gave me a little bit more time to build the courage about telling Bryce.

"How you've been?" She says taking a set back to look at my hair, "I love what you did with your hair!"

I just stand there and force a smile. I never knew she was always nice to me, all her friends hate me.

I touch my hair, forgetting that I had curled it. I look over at Bryce who looks surprisingly confused by her. No guy would ever give her that look. Every other guy would drool over her, however Bryce is something else, he's just different. I love it.

"Hey, there I'm Erika," she puts her hand out towards Bryce.

"Uh hey," he takes her hand and greets her. "are you one of Iris's friends?"

"Yeah, only she doesn't talk much to me, well anyone." I don't like the way she's smiling at Bryce. Yes he's cute but this is my date! "you must be the lucky guy, huh." She give me a wink.

"What do you mean lucky guy" I raise an eyebrow at her.

"You know," she smiles at Bryce and me. "Your boyfriend."

My face turns bright red. I look at Bryce who just laughs. My heart is shaking inside my and my stomach is being twisted up. I have no idea what to say, he's not really my boyfriend but this is a date.

Uh-uh he's... Well..."

"We're on a date actually, but if she's nice enough maybe I will be someday."

A swarm of butterflies appear in my stomach and my heart races like crazy. I can't believe he said that, we could be boyfriend and girlfriend.... Possibly tonight!

"Aww look at her, she's blushing. Cute." Damn it, Erika you aren't helping.

"She's always cute." Bryce holds my hand and I feel the corners of my lip rise.

This is just perfect, he's perfect. Maybe this time I'll actually have fun at the carnival.

Erika left us after a while to go hang out with some friends she saw by the food court. I didn't like that though, her friends gave me a dirty look because she was around me. I'm glad I didn't run into anyone from school. They would have just ruin this night.

Bryce seemed to have too, mainly since he held my hand the entire night!

"Hey, you ready to go Iris?"

Iris VeilWhere stories live. Discover now