I. Season 2

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"Cold as ice, but in the right hands she melts."

Parking my shiny red mustang, which I parked in the farthest row of the high schools parking lot for many reasons, like coming back here to smoke whatever I can get my hands on, make out sessions that sometimes turns into something more intimate, ditching, and most importantly decreasing the amount of people knowing that Dustin Henderson is my dorky little brother who is sometimes too lazy to ride his bike and annoyingly carpools with me.

"Bye Diana, I wouldn't want to tell mom that you're gonna get lung cancer at a young age," Dustin smirks beside me.

Is he really trying to threaten me?

I blow out the smoke with my lower lip out, and take another drag as I say, "Let's not forget who drives you to school, and what you did to mom's favorite vase last week. Now get out."


"Goodbye or you'll be sorry if people see you," I press on him to aggravate him. He silently obeys and loudly slams the door, running to Hawkins Middle which is, watch this, right next to Hawkins High! Do you know how many times I've almost wanted to purposely run over 8th graders, even my own brother?

My feet find themselves on the pavement, my black backpack slung over my shoulder, my black long sleeved turtle neck tucked into my jeans, and my converse casually walking to hell, with a cigarette in my hand.

A streak of blue starts to dash towards me, as if it's hurtling towards me, but soon it stops and takes an abrupt left turn.

I chuckle thinking of the soon-to-be-sorry-asshole that's about to have the worst and hopefully last year ever thanks to me. I lean back against a random car and wait for this victims face. I start to take more drags out of anger, then see the passenger door being opened to the sight of a red head that's passes me and is heading towards the middle school.

A few moments pass until the driver's door open and a tall, blond with a little brown haired guy in a denim jacket and jeans strut down to Hawkins high after stomping on his cigarette. He is CLEARLY new because he would've known not to do that to me. He clearly gives zero fucks and I will soon not give a flying fuck once he repays.

Returning back to my walk towards hell, I receive a few "hi's" and "hey's" and "You should totally come over sometime!"


For fucks sake. I know that annoying voice all too well.


Wait why haven't I told her off?


Because she buys you lunch.

A fake smile appears on my face as I reply sweetly with, "Yes, hey Carol!"

"Hey! It's been a morning full of drama so far and I've got the beer kegs for your Halloween party already—"

"Really? Thanks," Listen. I spent all my money on rolls and other shit to get fucked up on at this party I'm having, I needed someone that is desperate enough to want to climb the social ladder through me, so I asked Carol sweetly for drinks. I might as well had just called it a Halloweed party.

"AND! New hottie alert! Just rolled in here with his blue Camaro, and looks like a total tool. You should definitely check out his ass–"

"Yes, he and I need to settle something later on."

By the time she rambles on and on about this mystery guy's ass, I'm right in front of my first class, and have just put out my cigarette (yes, inside). I don't bother to tell her bye because she'll still be wrapped around my finger no matter what. Everyone is.

Because I built myself from nothing. Sometimes you have to use the pain to your advantage.

But we'll get to that later.

My hand grasps the door handle and pulls the door open dramatically. All eyes turn to me worriedly when–

I see it. He's in my seat.

If looks could kill, he wouldn't even have time for his last breath.

Step by loud step, I go through the desks and stop next to my unassigned assigned seat. Everyone around is just quietly waiting for what's going to happen next, because no one has ever had the balls to ever do this. And what makes make my brain tick off is that no one has ever tampered with my authority. Not since I made it clear I was royalty in this school.

He still hasn't acknowledged my presence.

That is until I lose my patience and slam my hand on the desk, the silver rings on my finger making a clinking sound.

Some gasps are heard from various parts of the room, while this shithead doesn't even flinch.

"You're in my seat." I clarify bitterly and lower myself so I can be eye level in front of him. I notice he has a bit of scruff and a piercing on his left ear. And those eyes. God damn it. Ocean eyes.

And he immediately assumes I'm already hooked on him; just by his smirk I can understand that. Well, two can play at this game. I smirk back and whisper to this mystery guy so only he can hear, "Welcome to Hawkins High."

I stand back up and in an attempt to put him on edge, run my hand over his jean jacket pocket to his shoulder and decide to sit in back of him. As I take my seat I notice him looking to the left where I once was walking.

Was he checking me out?

1 point to Diana.

As the bell rings, I bolt up from my seat at the same time this shithead and roughly push his shoulder with mine, giving him the middle finger as a congratulations to earning himself a new enemy, and yell "Watch it," to him for his driving skills and meaning a warning not to mess with me.

As I walk out the door, out of the corner of my eye, I see his jaw clenched. A sign of anger.

And that's just the reaction I wanted out of him.

But something tells me we're not so done here. Not even for a while.

You don't intimidate me, Billy Hargrove.


Well. I'm obsessed with this plot I'm doing??

Also, if you're not a fan of Diana, I don't blame you. I did not create her just so everyone can love her. I believe in different opinions with this original character, you can love or hate her.

I've had this idea for about three days and I'm so excited for this, and I have many notes for this story, it's on!

Haha not to be foreshadowing or anything but hint: every girl has got to be hooked on blue eyes ;)))

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