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The trial went quickly. Xanes was tested for treason to the village and setting fire to a local blacksmith's shop. All of the village's population showed up to watch the trial. The jury? The thirteen of the government's most spoiled merchants. They were filling into the courtroom again, ready for the judge's verdict.

"I swear, I didn't set fire to the thing," Xanes would say. He had no lawyer, so he had to defend himself. "All I said was, 'you can't just do that,' and then the walls caught fire. Boom!" He exclaimed, making an unnecessary and extravagant gesture with his blocky hands and causing the nearest attendees to lean away.

The judge looked around to see that everyone was settled in and began. "Xanes, descendant of Herobrine, you have been charged treason and arson. The jury has found you guilty of both crimes, and your sentence is ten years in the dungeons."

Xanes's eyes widened and he yelled, "What? No! Please! Nooo!" But the guards were already dragging him away.

That afternoon, the judge knocked on the door of the town's Mayor. There was a brief pause, and then a raspy voice said, "Come in."

He opened the door to see not only the Mayor in his office, but another person. He was considerably larger, with an scarred face and severe brown eyes. His uniform had little gold medals on it, and an enchanted diamond sword hung at his side.

"General," the judge said and gave a curt nod to the larger man.

"Why have you come, judge?" The Mayor asked suspiciously.

"I am concerned with the power of the descendents in this village."

"What does that mean?" The Mayor queried.

"He means the people who carry the blood of Herobrine. They often possess supernatural powers over mobs and elements," the General explained.

The judge, now uncomfortable, continued, "I just finished a trial of one. He was tried for arson. I know that he was pyrokinetic. But I couldn't just excuse his actions. I'm afraid that the next time that one of the descendents use their powers, accident or not, it'll cause more damage."

"Like when Hillary flooded the library..." The Mayor murmured in thought.

"Or when Tod unleashed those creepers on the farmers. Or when Ingrid accidentally covered her houses and the ones around it with webs." The judge added.

The General stood up, one hand on the hilt of his sword and head held high, determinedly. "I will send my soldiers to hunt down these descendents and take them prisoner. They will be tried for their actions. They will not cause any more damage or hurt anyone else, if that is your wish, Mayor."

And what an decision it was. To take people prisoner for their bloodline, something they cannot control, or risk others being hurt by those people.

And the three stood, waiting in tense silence.

And the Mayor looked away.

And he said, "Do it."

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