Chapter 07

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Bridget drew her iron sword slowly, as did Faolan with his stone sword. He knew that he wouldn't be much use in a fight, though--his hands were shaking worse than the first time that he held one.

They scanned their surroundings, but all that could be heard were the leaves rustling on the trees. Then a figure appeared between the trees and a soldier burst out. Faolan froze, almost dropping his sword, as the memory of Celeste's death resurfaced.

The soldier looked around anxiously, but smiled when he saw the two. "Cassanova! I found them!" He called and pulled out an iron sword.

Another soldier followed in a few moments, flanked by others. Her diamond sword shimmered with deadly enchantments and she grinned eerily. "Great. Let's get 'em!"

She leapt at Bridget, slashing her sword through the air in a great arc. She ducked and brought her sword down into Cassanova's. The other three turned to Faolan, drawing swords and advancing quickly. Faolan stumbled back, hacking blindly at the soldiers. The first one sidestepped easily and sliced his sword into Faolan's jacket. He yelped in surprise and managed to land a blow on the soldier's leg, but he wasn't fazed at all.

Faolan managed to catch a glimpse of Bridget before another blade pierced his arm. She was locked in a battle with the lead soldier, Cassanova. Bridget swung her sword in the air and it clashed with Cassanova's, making a loud noise that reminded Faolan of when he heard the fire crackling in the furnace back at the restaurant.

He winced at the pain and rolled away from the tree he was about to be cornered on. Only mid-roll did he realize that he had dropped his sword and was barreling into another--

In an instant, Faolan collided with the hard, unforgiving trunk of an oak. He laid there, head spinning and vision bright and fuzzy. The soldiers were startled, probably at the sight of someone acting so rashly. But Faolan stayed on the grass, clutching his shoulder.

From what he could see, Cassanova was gaining the upper hand. She slashed once and Bridget flew back against a tree from the Knockback enchantment on Cassanova's blade. Cassanova raised her blade to prepare for another strike. Faolan tried to scream, but nothing came out.

Suddenly, an arrow flew from the trees and impaled one of the soldiers. He cried out, but another silenced him. The other two soldiers turned around, confused, but another arrow shot into the clearing.

A villager leapt from the brush, wielding a diamond sword. A tamed dog followed. Faolan sat up and stared, still groggy and not really processing what was happening. The warrior spun and slashed like a deadly storm, slicing until the two remaining soldiers were no more. Cassanova turned just as an arrow impaled her back. She growled, almost ferally, and narrowed her eyes.

"You just wait, Descendant. I'll be back," she snarled and sprinted off into the trees. The strange warrior's dog ran off in pursuit, eyes glowing red and fur bristling. The owner appeared--or maybe that was just Faolan's wacked-up vision playing tricks on him--in front of him and helped him to his feet.

"You okay?" She asked. Faolan blinked and his vision went back to normal, more or less.

He saw the girl for the first time as she put away her sword. Her hair was long and black, tipped with cyan. It was arranged in a hip-length ponytail down her back. Her pale skin was disrupted by an ugly scar across her only visible eye, which was colored dark blue as if dyed with lapis lazuli. A tattered gray cape billowed out behind her.

"Ugh, I think so... I don't know... probably..." He replied. The girl gave a sharp whistle, making Faolan jump, and the dog came racing back to her side.

Bridget made her way over, rubbing her side. She cast the girl a suspicious glance. "You?"

She ignored Bridget and shook Faolan's hand. "The name's Sapphire. I'm guessing you're Faolan?"

"How'd you know that?"

"It was in my mission briefing. I was sent by the village to retrieve you." Sapphire explained. "We should go soon. The soldiers will be back."

"No, Faolan," Bridget snapped. "We should stay with Kyle. It would be better than trusting her. I know."

"I thought the village was after me," he said.

"Oh, they are. But I'm not talking about a village like that." Sapphire leaned in a little closer. "There's a special place for people like you and me. Descendants. Somewhere safe. All you need to do is trust me."

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