Chapter 20

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Bridget laughed. "You're a bit daft, aren't you?" Before Faolan had time to reply or brandish his sword, she raised one hand and a wave of blue energy burst from her open palm. It knocked Faolan into the shadows, where he hit stone, and Amia more near the entrance.

"What's going on with you?!" Faolan exclaimed, somehow managing to pick himself up off the floor.

"Have you really never heard the prophecy?" Bridget said, and lowered her hand, which still glowed with the mysterious blue energy. "You know of the four entities that rule this world, do you not? Notch, the Allseer, Steve, the Benefactor, Alex, the Protectress, and Herobrine, the Ruler. And you know that Herobrine has his bloodline within the villagers." Her hands glowed brighter.

"Steve and Alex refused to have affairs with villagers. Herobrine did not take that oath. Neither did Notch."

She let that soak into their heads. Faolan stared at her, dumbfounded, until utter realization washed over him like a cold ocean wave.

"You... You're..."

"Yes, Faolan. I am a Descendant; a Descendant of Notch. Not Herobrine."

"O-Okay." It made sense now. The scan, the ocelot Karen found. The scan was designed to detect the blood of an ancient deity. That's why she was able to get in.

"And the prophecy foretold that if a Descendant of Notch and Herobrine were to combine their powers into one, they would have enough to make the Four bow to their knees." Bridget explained. "And you two are here. What will it be? Will you combine your powers with mine?"

"You're crazy!" Amia said.

"That's madness," he added. "Bridget, what's whispering in your mind to make you want this? This is insanity!"

"Have the Four ever interacted with us?" She yelled. "In ancient times, they were all over the place--Notch doing justice, Steve helping the villagers, Alex caring for the plants and animals, and Herobrine sending out mobs to even out the population and keep the world in balance. But do you ever see them? No! They've gone back to their own domains, to hide and cower. We would be better rulers than them!

"All you have to do is voluntarily transfer me your power," she said.

"What if we refuse?" Faolan asked, voice shaking.

"What happens to a squid out of water for too long, or a zombie caught in the daylight?" Bridget suggested calmly.

"You're a psycho. Delusional. You won't change anything. And we're not going to let you kill us, either," Amia growled bravely.

Faolan ignited a ball of fire in his hand, and at the speed of JP's lightning, she pulled back her bowstring and fired. Just blocks away from hitting Bridget, a blue blur shot out of the shadows and the arrow disappeared out of the air, and Faolan's fire was put out by the wind. A figure appeared at the end of the blur, next to Bridget; a girl with a side-braid and cold, icy blue eyes. She held the arrow in her hand.

"Looking for this?" The white-haired stranger asked smugly and tossed the arrow behind her.

Faolan let his hands burst into flame. "This is crazy, Bridget. No one wants this except you."

Wrong, a voice suddenly said in his head, making him jump. Amia obviously heard it, too. Another villager crept out from the shadows, her violet eyes glowing. Her long brown and gold hair was straight down her back, and a dog followed at her side.

"We do," she said, with the exact same voice as the one in his head.

Faolan resisted the urge to throw up. They were outnumbered, two to one. Amia had a bow, Faolan had his fire, Bridget had her blue energy, the white-haired girl probably had super-speed, and the other had a wolf and some other power.

He and Amia looked at each other once and ran for the exit.

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