Chapter 34

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JP looked over and saw the pain in his eyes. He grimaced. "Yeah," he said quietly. "Don't get too worked up, okay? They'll likely disband and we'll have a better chance of finishing them off."

He knew that his friend was just trying to think strategy, but still, he couldn't help but feel the dread knowing that soon, he would have to kill Bridget somehow.

Faolan nodded absently just as Sapphire came bounding toward them. She had a cut on her arm and she walked with a small limp. "Are you two okay?" She asked anxiously.

"Fine," he replied.

"What are you guys planning to do?" She asked cautiously, then followed their gaze to the bursts of cyan energy in the distance. "Oh."

"Are you coming?"

She smiled to JP. "Yeah. Might as well." Sapphire looked behind her and gave a few, startling raspy breaths. In mere moments, a few blazes appeared out of the crowd, staring at them with black eyes.

"Let's hurry. You'll figure out what I have in mind," she said. They rushed off around the battle, getting closer to the bursts of energy until Bridget came into view.

She was at the edge of the crowd, shooting out force fields and bursts of energy faster than lightning. She didn't seem to be struggling at all, with no sign of tiring. In fact... she seemed to be enjoying it.

Bridget looked over at the six and grinned. She turned to her comrades and said, "Hold the others off. These three I can take." Immediately, they spread out and left a huge circle of sand around Bridget. She took out her sword and sneered, "Well? Hit me with your best shot."

Thankfully, JP made the first move. With a simple swing of his fist, there was a CRACK! and five bolts of lightning shot down from the open ceiling. Bridget blocked a few, but the rest dealt damage. She grimaced and sent out a wave of energy around her, pushing the three back a few steps. Faolan shot a charge of fire at Bridget's flank, at the same time that Sapphire ordered the blazes to shoot at her other side. She blocked both attacks, but Faolan could see where this was going. We're going to tire her out and not let her make any offensive moves. Good idea!

Still, Bridget refused to falter. "You think that this is going to stop me? The many times I have absorbed the fragments of powers strengthens me! It would take much more than this to touch me."

A tiny seed of doubt planted itself in Faolan's mind. She clearly still had her way with words. Suddenly, there was a furious roar and Bridget yelped in pain. Kyle appeared from behind her, holding a bloody pick in his hands. His blue eyes burned with fury.

"You ghast-hearted, son of a wither!" He yelled and swung again. "Do you think I like being used, witch? Go back to the spawner you came from!" Kyle shouted in rage and aimed another blow. Bridget deflected it, causing cyan sparks to fly when his pickaxe collided with her force field. Sapphire advanced while she was distracted. Her diamond sword flashed and scored more wounds, along with Kyle's weapon.

JP and Faolan held back. They would be needed soon. For now, they could let their health regenerate.

"I think we should--"

Faolan's words were cut off by a distant rumble, like thunder, even though the sky above was clear. He looked up to see the sun being blocked out by something... was it a villager on horseback? It must be.

Behind the figure rose a sheet of silvery mist, like the type he had seen in the Dream Realm. It curled and twisted until it began to fall down the hole like a waterfall, twitching and rolling across the floor.

The Ender Dragon looked up and roared, then took the the air, hovering in place, still wary of Dark Star, who had stopped to watch. Almost everyone in the arena had froze, including Faolan.

"Oh my god..." JP murmured next to him.

The figure above, silhouetted from the sun and mist, gave an eerie smile. It's eyes--now familiar--blazed with white fire.

"So this is what my Descendants have been fighting over," the figure mused.

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