Chapter 30

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The blast threw pieces of stone and glass raining down on everyone. Bridget cursed and sent a small force field up over her, America, and Sky, leaving Faolan and the boy unprotected. Memories of his restaurant exploding flashed through his mind. On instinct, Faolan scrambled away and threw himself above the kid, taking a lot of the damage in himself. He looked down, seeing the young Descendant again... his face expressed pure horror, but also a small scrap of... guilt? Was that what it was?

Faolan quickly ate a pork chop and looked up to see the blinding sun filtering through the gaping hole in the roof. There was a deafening roar, like a thousand wolves and zombies howling together in some terrifying symphony. In came gusts of wind, each one like a wave, getting stronger and stronger each time. Finally, a silhouette of something blocked out the sun, revealing the black body, long neck and tail, huge silver wings...

"A dragon?!" The boy squeaked.

Indeed it was. The dragon gave another mighty roar and began to swoop down into the arena, slowing its descent just in time to give another huge flap of its wings, letting loose a blast of wind that knocked the Descendants of Notch off their feet.

It slowly rested on the ground, its sharp violet eyes scanning each of them. Faolan took out his sword. Was he supposed to fight this thing?

"Faolan!" Someone shouted.

"Sapphire!" He exclaimed and saw his friend atop the dragon's back. She had a dog at her side, and her iron chestplate glinted in the sun.

"What the heck are you doing here?!" He yelled.

"Saving your miserable life!" She called back and faced the hole in the roof. "Posteros, ordines!"

Bridget's growls of frustration were cut off by a chorus of cheers from far above, and about a dozen villagers jumped through the roof. They fell farther and farther until they landed on the back of the dragon, surprisingly unharmed.

Faolan recognized plenty of faces. There were pretty much all of the Descendants he had come to know; the black-haired figure of Onix, the blue eyes and short-cropped hair of JP, the dirty blonde mane of Ellie. He was overjoyed to see the slightly transparent figure of Amia holding a bow in her hands. Yellow-shirted Hunter and amber-eyed Karen stood side-by-side. The rest of them were made up by other Descendants.

"Not possible!" Sky hissed, getting up from where she was knocked back from the wind.

"You bet your sorry behinds it is!" Another person shouted angrily amidst the patrol, and he stepped forward. All black clothes, golden hair--it was Kyle! Why is he here? Faolan wondered.

Gale stepped forward and raised a sword. "Surrender or die!" He shouted confidently.

Bridget gave a malevolent grin. "Never! America, signal the others!"

America nodded curtly and took a hidden dagger from her boot. She chucked it at a camouflaged stone button high-up on the wall. It smacked it spot-on, and an iron door near it opened up. Moments later, about ten more Descendants rushed through, each one holding a weapon. Faolan resisted a groan. More people to fight? Great. Fantastic.

The masked boy near him stuttered, "I-I didn't even... what... I don't..."

He felt a twinge of pity, but it disappeared when Sapphire shouted, "Monstra, ordines!"

Another flow of beings dropped from the ceiling onto the dragon's back, but this time they weren't villagers. They were monsters! Creepers and skeletons and zombies, most in helms for protection, even some monsters from the Nether. A skeleton equipped with a diamond helmet, flanked by two blazes, stepped forward. It had to be Serefire. Who else?

Serefire and Gale jumped off of the Ender Dragon and took a few steps toward Bridget and her allies, including the many new ones.

"It can end quickly," Gale said loudly, making his voice known to everyone. "There does not have to be a battle or death today."

Bridget laughed. "But there will be, Gale. Your death and our life."

"Good luck with that!" Onix shouted from atop the dragon.

Bridget smiled again, faintly amused, but she simply looked at the boy next to Faolan and called, "Release Dark Star."

And at the same time, Sapphire commanded for all to hear, "Nepotibus, progredi monstra! Relinquent stantem!"

Posteros, ordine! -- Descendants, ranks!

Monstra, ordine! -- Monsters, ranks!

Nepotibus, progredi monstra! Relinquent stantem! -- Descendants and monsters advance! Leave none standing!

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